successor to Peter.
I still remember the beautiful warm spring afternoon when he was elected. I had just returned to the Church the year before after 31 years as an evangelical Protestant. I marveled at the process of electing a pope and was in awe of seeing the naming of Peter's successor. My wife came in the door and I shouted " Habemus papum!" We were so excited to watch this ancient process for the first time as engaged Catholics.
I had grown very fond of Blessed Pope John Paul 2 in the short time that I had gotten to know him and study his writings and I wept when he died. I wondered if I could grow fond of this elderly timid man who really just desired to retire and read and pray and play his beloved Mozart. Yet when called upon by God to lead Christ's flock on earth, he said yes, and I felt myself quickly warming up to him.
Here is the song I wrote for Pope Benedict's election to the papacy a few months after the conclave.
May God bless him mightily and I trust very much in the Lord's hand in leading his Church through this next election. "YOU ARE PETER, AND UPON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH."