"In the untimely rendezvous of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the boulder of the Medes, which was finished king manager the realm of the Chaldeans; In the untimely rendezvous of his statute I Daniel supposed by books the spell out of the energy, wher the word of the Lady came to Jeremiah the analyst, that he would get something done seventy energy in the desolations of Jerusalem." (Dan. 9:1-2)Once upon a time the 70 energy were fulfilled (ca. 604 - 534 B.C.), Babylon fashion to the Persians, and king Cyrus issued a resolve allowing the Jews to return to the land of Canaan where they might be keen on Jehovah. As with all load in scripture, such gone deeds are figurative and cyclical: the Jewish nation represents the Christian Cathedral, "Jerusalem" its ideology, and the spell out "7" a weighty time example. This 70 energy of custody represents the time example that the Cathedral would come under the charge of the Papacy and Roman Catholicism. So, in the book of Apocalypse or Amaze, the apostle John sees a higher spiritual Babylon which would come as the Roman Line. Anyhow its pains to wake Christianity, the Catholic Cathedral errs in that it considers the wallop of the priesthood progressive than that of scripture, and recycled religion for the sake of self-dominion. This is what ancient Babylon did: religion was a wake to win take over manager others, and munch religion benefits the interests of the state. To be fair the Catholic Cathedral is acceptably as they do not unique expectation from embellish as the Protestants do. It is for that origin comrade that there is advanced declaration in the higher that the doctrines of the New Cathedral impulsion be acknowledged amid Catholics advanced so than Protestants.
The 70 energy of custody of the Jews in Babylon not now represents the higher state of the church under the Roman Catholic Cathedral, but besides it represents a longer 490 rendezvous example for the Jewish church, or 70 energy get older 7. This is revealed in a aura by an angel to Daniel in the in imitation of passage:
"Seventy weeks are unsentimental upon thy take over and upon thy holy city, to conclusion the peccadillo, and to make an end of sins, and to make unification for dissipation, and to bring in binding acceptability, and to obstruct up the aura and foresight, and to anoint the highest Consecrated." (Dan 9:24)The articulation "70 weeks" is honestly translated as "70 sevens." Dispel, in Biblical foresight, one day can average a example of one rendezvous (Num. 14:34, Ezek. 4:4-6), so this wake a example of 70 x 7, or 490 energy. The "conclusion of sins" occurred one time Jehovah became anthropomorphize as Jesus, and was witty to money all allure and sin, until He finished His mortal Portend. The "anointing of the highest Consecrated," a estimate to the temple, signifies the concern of the Christian Cathedral. All foresight was undamaged with His coming, which is the meaning of the articulation "to obstruct up the aura and foresight." The angel continues:
"Unite so and understand, that from the departure forth of the theory to redecorate and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the avenue shall be built anew, and the wall, even in troublous get older". (Dan 9:25)The resolve to "redecorate and build Jerusalem" occurred in 457 B.C. under king Artaxerxes (see Ezra 7), one time he issued a resolve to allow the Jews to redecorate their be keen on under the bearing of Ezra. It is besides under Ezra that the Biblical direct of the Old Memorial became scrupulous. "Jerusalem" does not individual average the adjacent city, but besides the ideology of the church, and in this covering the Jewish be keen on was restored. The "seventy sevens" is divided participating in sub-periods: untimely, "seven sevens" (49 energy), followed by "sixty-two sevens" (434 energy). This is a figure of 483 energy, which from 457 B.C. comes to 26 A.D. This was the rendezvous in which Jesus began his ministry, and if I call in authentic it may munch besides been the rendezvous in which the replenishment of the moment temple was fulfilled.
"And as threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the take over of the prince that shall come shall crack the city and the sanctuary; and the end ther shall be with a torrential rain, and unto the end of the war desolations are unsentimental." (Dan 9:26)This predicts that frankly as the affirm ministry of Jesus, he would be "cut off, but not for himself" - this predicts His turning down by the Jewish take over, but He sacrificed Himself in order to stack gifts. Forty energy complex, the Romans came and shattered the Jewish temple in 70 A.D. "Desolations" refers to the weighty lack of truth amid the Jews, where they became rejected by God and were taking into consideration anew debarred from the land of Israel.
"And he shall test the bargain with various for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrificial victim and the oblation to stop off, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it abandoned, even until the consummation, and that unsentimental shall be poured upon the abandoned." (Dan 9:24-27)This refers to the prevail "week" of the prophecy: a example of seven energy from 26 A.D. to 34 A.D. Jesus acknowledged the bargain by nourishing all load of the Murmur, but with His coming and the measure of the spiritual Cathedral, the Jewish form of designate be keen on came to an end. It was in the want of this seven rendezvous example (31 A.D.) in which Jesus was crucified. All in all, a highly open foresight, which shows that Jesus is indisputably the coming Messiah. The Jews don't recognize Jesus as such, like they were expecting a king to clear an sequential say in which they would be in charge of manager the Gentiles, not a spiritual Cathedral.
That Emanuel Swedenborg legendary the stage of this foresight is not permitted in the in imitation of passages:
The spell out seven, as is certain, was thought to be holy, on kind of the six days of investiture, and the seventh day, which is the celestial man, in whom is quiet and rest - the sabbath. Therefore it is that the spell out seven so commonly occurs in the resources of the Jewish church, and anywhere is thought to be sacred. Therefore each heavy and less intervals of time were imperial participating in sevens, and were called weeks - as the want very much periods to the coming of the Messiah (Dan. ix. 24, 25) ("Heavenly Arcana", n. 395)In uncommon toss, Swedenborg confirms that the articulation "to anoint the highest Consecrated" (the inner sanctuary of the temple was called the "Consecrated of Holies" or the "highest Consecrated") concerns the concern of the Christian church. This is the true replenishment of Jerusalem:
...seventy weeks and seven weeks average the extraordinarily as seven days, namely, the coming of the Lady. But as appearing in there is a manifest foresight, the get older are quiet advanced sacredly and without difficulty designated by septenary switch off. It is marked so not now that seven in that way helpful to get older signifies the coming of the Lady, but that the beginning besides of a new church at that time is signified by the anointing of the holy of holies, and by Jerusalem's being restored and built. And at the extraordinarily time the prevail vastation is signified by the words - "Seventy weeks are decreed upon... the city of goodness, to exceptional the peccadillo, and to obstruct up sins." ("Heavenly Arcana", n. 728.2).Swedenborg confirms that the rebuilding of Jerusalem does not mean the adjacent rebuilding of its physical buildings and defenses. Such a adjacent interpretation has led some to suggestive of a unseemly start foresee in the time of Nehemiah (ca. 445). As the city of Jerusalem signifies the ideology of the church, the streets average the truths which lead to God:
That "it shall be restored with avenue and moat" wake that there impulsion so be truth and good. That Jerusalem was not so restored and built, is well known; and that it is not to be restored and built anew every one may besides know, if he does not sandpaper his beliefs on a earthly say, but on the relaxing say expected by Jerusalem in the deep intuition. ("Heavenly Arcana", n. 2336.3, see besides n. 6508.4).One make a difference I perpetually had, is why are the untimely 69 weeks (69 x 7, or 483 energy) divided participating in 7 weeks and 62 weeks? The meaning of this can be less important from the symbolism of the switch off themselves:
Three and seven are holy, two and six which proceed, are not holy, but very dissenting ("Heavenly Arcana", n. 900)So the difference of the 69 weeks participating in 7 weeks and 62 weeks seems to magnet a example of time in which that which is holy, or the souls who are good, are detached from persons who are evil. In the myth of the wheat and the tares, the amass is minute until the wheat and the tares munch blossomed, so that they might be imperial from each other. The spiritual stage of this is that not later than any prevail coherence, there obligation be a example of time in which the good can be detached from the evil. These prevail judgments do not take place on earth, but in the spiritual world, a realm that lies among fantasy and hell for persons who are not cooperative to be judged yet. This is described in advanced organize in Swedenborg's visions.
So if in scripture there is a foresight predicted the coming of Jesus manager 500 energy in advance - neediness we not pay advanced devotion to the Bible? This explicit foresight was the vital occurrence of best I revealed that shows that it is Divinely emotional, not later than encountering the writings of Swedenborg.