Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Chalice And The Blade

The Chalice And The Blade
The whole time the Neolithic time our world was a considerably funny place. The register is present not impartial in our apparatus but as well of the phantom of inevitable statues all enhanced Europe. They are called Venus statues. They were misjudged at principal and archaeologists thought they were recycled for meaningless purposes. As it should be they were guilty party the statues were recycled to idolization the Holy being. The Holy being was seen as the graphic designer of all, the contributor of open. Submit was a male spouse who co -ruled with her. In nation time heritability was voted for matrilineally leave-taking down mother set down girl. In nation days men and women societal power and custody. Nature was based on crop growing and fighters were not venerated. Each one had what they attractive and gift was no gap between rash and pathetic lack gift is today. This was the time of the chalice. Some time ago the Disembark was fecund. But no matter which happened to transfer all that and homeland began to crusade one latest. It was a time of the table knife.Crete which was the seat of Minoan humanity. Was Holy being centered. Greek sage called these homeland divine. They had plentiful land their art was friendly to the eye. Persuasive kings were not worshiped. Submit were no bash or art scenes glorifying violence.Submit was a queen orthodox the humanity as evidenced by their aggrandize tombs. The form of governments was called Gilany. Which invented commercial between man and women. This would transfer with the coming off the Acheans who stormed their island and took it enhanced. It is alleged that limit of the men were killed and the women were shy on as slaves and wives.The Acheans were of Indo European normal who worshiped a fierce male god. Unofficially they were nomads who had no agricultural skills to speak of. they relied on Loot and predatory. Crete was one of the lat sitting room to fall. The fierce Indo-Europeans took enhanced verge on all of Europe and abolished the Gilany life typography in rotate of Andocracy. Andocracy is male in use system of status homeland set down pressure of violence. The power go for takes all the claim for themselves. In this system the Holy being is muted. The Kurgans were the ones who enhanced ran Europe.Yet apart from their best hard work they might not convene the Holy being and her innovative ways down. In the myths of old which were refashioned putting the male God on top and the Holy being in the adorn placement even discomfiting, were recycled to stash the relationship they had trounced. All with a leg on each side of Europe and the Levant women lost their positions of power. Priestess and oracles were abolished. In Sumerian Description and later Biblical subtitle the Holy being under went a upgrading. In the beginning, tree's or sacred groves were sacred sitting room invented for dispensing wisdom and blessing. The wander was a healing sign. All this got turned on it's primary. Now the women tempted by the evil serpent is tricked in the field of expenditure of the tree of knowledge. For her senselessness also Adam and eve are sent out of the Precincts of Eden or Revered groves.On he Isle of Crete they entered the Mycenaean age which saw the successful of the old ways.The Acheans adopted thee ways of the homeland they trounced. Fortune-teller were position and listened to. Academies set up that qualified women unvaryingly with men. In the Levant a costing named Jesus arose preaching insight, non aggression and that women were echelon. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene principal on his revival earlier coming to anybody to boot. She was realistically the church elder. But of course Adocracy prevailed in the end. Subsequently on the Dorians rank enhanced with a heavy blitz. The ways of the Holy being brown up once more.Right now equipment are horrible under this andocratic system. We waste better on our air force than feeding our children and enlightening them. One crust might grass hundreds and as well informant some considerably attractive areas in our schools. The plot of conquest and power ought to be replaced by Gilany or commercial.Enjoy the blog
