Tuesday, July 22, 2014

With Six Letters Three Cauldrons Of One Torah

With Six Letters Three Cauldrons Of One Torah

Faunus 19

"Scribal peculiarity of two 'n's as found in Torah scroll (barred aove)."

The Celtic Ogham alphabet of the Druids is called Beth-Luis-Nuin. The length of designating the Ogham alphabet "beth-luis-nuin", in some line of attack hence, the three font (beth, luis, nuin) bid out the interior of the Ogham in the sphere of lively creative look. In other words, the font typify the three creative brightness of Awen, and the creative energy of the Spiritual Female standard in kabbalah as hashra'ah.

From the diagonal of a Jewitch, "beth-luis-nuin" bring about correspondences to the Hebrew font Beit-Lamed-Nun. In Torah, "beit-lamed-nun" typify the interior of Torah.

BEIT-BETH, with a 'b' lovely, is the creative write () of the creative word 'bereshit' () in the creative book of Torah, Birth (called in Jewish tradition 'Bereshit'). The six font of the word 'bereshit' can mean among six'.

LAMED-LUIS, with an 'l' lovely, is the closing write () in the closing word 'Yisrael' () in the closing book of Torah, Devarim (Deutereonomy). The word "Yisrael' is a mystical codeword for the joint interior of culture to whom Torah belongs. 'Torah' is a mystical codeword for the 'keys to creative messianic mind.

In the Hebrew diction, the font "lamed-beit" spell the word, extreme 'lev' (a tiring beit is extreme 'v', a pulpy beit is extreme 'b'), a word meaning focus. The focus of Torah, comprising the interior of Torah, symbolizing the sum Torah, from the closing write to the creative write, the alpha and the omega, speaks forth the skill of humankind's messianic viable and untrained Supernatural being.

NUN-NUIN. The messianic and Spiritual consciousness of planet is symbolized by the 'n' lovely, represented "fervently" by the Hebrew write nun and the Ogham write nuin.

Two font with the 'n' lovely fasten a resolute and exact scribal peculiarity found in Torah. The two odd 'n's are called "nun hafucha" ("reversed nun", following an deep in thought 'n' in the midst of the Hebrew alphabet) and "nun m'zuneret" ("isolated nun", following the 'n' in the midst of the Ogham alphabet set far-off from the Hebrew alphabet). Between the two n's are set far-off two verses (Empty 10:35-36) within the midst of the sum Torah. The two verses are thought to fasten a correlate to an plain new inner set of connections within Torah, one which energy be revealed participating in the golden age of messianic consiousness in the midst of planet.

Full together, with six font from whichever the Hebrew and Ogham alphabets, are three cauldrons of Torah introduction font called forth. Brewing within the three cauldrons of Torah introduction font is the claim of planet - Spiritual messianic consciousness.

Six Manner, Three Cauldrons, Two Alphabets, One Torah

The focus of Torah is the focus of the Ogham. Hebrew and Ogham (shefifon) are "elucidations of the exceedingly dishonorable interior" (serayah) of the Spiritual interior of culture.

Like six font (beth, beit, luis, lamed, nuin, nun), control three cauldrons (of emanation, introduction and formation) is the sum atzilutic-messianic Torah called forth and prepared definite.

Origin: pagan-magic.blogspot.com