Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beast Of The Week Tupilaq

Beast Of The Week Tupilaq
Inuit tradition go away us our Beast for this week. I had been looking jaggedly for a Tolkien-inspired creature like I'm leave-taking to see The Hobbit tomorrow, but severe to exclude with the winter/cold themed creatures for another week. The Tupilaq was a magical turn out created by Inuit shamans and sent after their enemies. Sorta when the Barely discernible Stalker rather than in D&D, restrict crafted quite than summoned from another point.


AC: 3 (17)

HD: 8*

Move: 120 (40) stumble 90 (30)

Attacks: 1 relish

Damage: 2d8

No. Appearing: 1 (1)

Control As: F8

Morale: 12

Cut stone Type: nil

Alignment: Fair-minded

XP: 1200

A tupilaq is a magical turn out created by the shamanistic Clerics of tribes inhabiting the glacial regions. They take humanoid bodies with hurtful heads, spherical eyes, and spread-out shark-like mouths, and suggest of decomposed flesh. The rituals for creating one are regular scarcely to these tribesmen, and are not collective with outsiders. The tupilaq is created from a preference of cane parts, hair, shell and bones engaged from sea and land nature state to the district, as well as the center of a whatsoever or demi-human child. A tupilac, gone created, moral fiber assistance its writer by hunting down one prey or group of related losses and killing them. Tupilaqs can be outdone with spells and magic armaments. A tupilaq can be turned against its writer by a "dissipate evil" spell. If the tupilaq fails a Control vs. Spells, its writer becomes its new subject.