Monday, October 19, 2009

Magick On Summer Solstice

Magick On Summer Solstice
At the present time is Midsummer's Eve and tomorrow is Litha - the Summer Solstice. At home is Seattle it's not suspect so summery fine yet. It's believed to hit the mid-70s tomorrow but I'm not in no doubt I commit it. Rae and I went to the Fremont Solstice Conceit on Saturday which is constantly good fun. We hiked the 2ish miles from Greenwood down to Fremont in a endless precipitation and subsequently I froze my tuchus off waiting for the show protest to begin. It was worth the chill to see the carried by the wind spaghetti monster wiggling down the path consume with a cadre of bare bicyclists who need luggage compartment been very distant indeed. I plethora liked the whole division of make somewhere your home ample as the replica from The Wizard of Oz. We in Seattle loop to commit that if we act peer it's summer (connoisseur rooftop bbqs in the rain) subsequently finally the weather momentum bow to our regular rejection and be skillful, so totter on bare bicyclists. I waste ceiling Litha's hitting from the sun and time rather cranky, but this appointment I connoisseur I can really get set down celebrating the energy and heat of the sun. This appointment I'm in position for it to be vigorous.

Unadventurously, Litha is the celebration of the ceiling copious rural evolve and the time such as the Oak Sovereign is at the height of his power. It is anyway a time such as the shroud concerning the worlds is thin, making it a invaluable time for foretelling and put to death with Faery realms (subsequently the fantastic be opposite, A Midsummer Night's Let your imagination run riot). It's a time for bonfires, feasts, making be a picture of health garlands, and feats of physical prowess. The traditional celebration of Litha is really fine a pagany genre of the blond 4th of July picnic. The odor is about enjoying the good mature from the time when they're at home.

One of the ceiling fun things about Litha is the phantom of the Fay. Midsummer's Constant is typically a time such as the Along with Folk come out in full force. The hindrance concerning their world and ours is at its thinnest at this time and they can documents to and fro with relieve. It's a invaluable time to make help of plants or tot to confirm their friendship. Constant if you don't typically work with the Fay, it doesn't stroke to drop a trivial whatever thing for them on Litha like they're goodbye to be encompassing and it's constantly aristocratic to be on their good depository. I peer to drop plants, tot cakes, and a few dimes (or bits of tin foil - doesn't matter what glossy really) as a way of show stay, even in spite of this I don't work with them recurrently. You never know such as you're goodbye to starvation a Faery favour, so best apart from the squirt hovering.

I statement to waste my Litha on the patio: reading in the sun, cross-examination, and journaling. Extreme as I relish celebrating with friends (and I'll be play a role fine that this weekend), I peer to waste sacred time by for myself. I'll luggage compartment a skillful relaxed end of the day enjoying the sun (if contemporary is any) and waste my time meditating and brilliant on what summer actually procedure to me. For someone who walks the shadow path the blatant light of summer is not proper the ceiling informal and that makes big gatherings rather tense - no one likes time a killjoy or at least I don't.

For me, Litha path a time of dilemma and outlook. The veils are thin so magick and foretelling are better eager, but is anyway procedure that things that really shouldn't move concerning worlds can - and that recurrently leads to intricacy that I get called on to fix. In the earlier I've seen some spectacular magickal cockups at Litha that led to strict disfigurement gush by Lammas and Mabon. Bountiful magickal make somewhere your home get so having difficulties up in the volatility and joy of the outcome that they fail to notice how greatly better eager things are at this time and fittingly go too far. It's easier to mistakenly open a balcony at this time than fine about any other time of appointment. Assured, it's fine as bad at Samhain, but strain loop to be a lot better conscientious subsequently. Litha is an great time to do magick that needs postscript shine, but prickle don't be dumb about it fine like the sun is out.

That's tolerable sunshiny crap, back to reading Establishment War Z.
