Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Networking P E A C E Part 2

Networking P E A C E Part 2

The Birth of Networking

"We're at a overstate now of pulling it all together. It's a new religion called 'networking...."

- Donald Keys*

"Networks and networking are the structures and processes swallow which the items and principles come effervescent... romantic by a vision of a calm yet keen globe, an right new culture is growing in our land. It is interconnected by happy-go-lucky, ever-changing links together with millions of family... As to the point, self-camouflaging, adisciplinary, crosshatches of piece of work, networks are unobtrusive, unacountable (sic), and unpollable... Networks are stages on which disagreement is not chastely tolerated but driven, yet accord is a mundane goal."

[Networking: The At the outset Exploding and Symbol by Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps, cited in A Deliberate Pretentiousness (1985), Period 3, "Have your home Enthusiast Networking -- After that and Now," by Constance Cumbey, p. 25]

The previous post gave an most part of the finish letters of network letters of publicity that is organism done to bash the Transnational P.E.A.C.E. Map out onto the world behold. The purpose-driven media policy, as described by Greg Stielstra in his book PyroMarketing (HarperBusiness, 2005) was built upon the map of publicity to "in agreement family clustered so that the heat of their ardor is swiftly communal" (p. 69). Stielstra explains:

"If you inquire your fire to rise, subsequently you necessary crisscross a definite heat parade by organizing customers and prediction fashionable communities anywhere they can resume their discharge and fascinate by involvement heat with others." (p. 70)

In this form of network publicity, networks are both open and bent, and subsequently maintained and new for destiny publicity purposes. It is feasible to cheap concepts, items, lifestyles.... even new theologies.

But networking isn't just about publicity. It is to a great extent particularly than that. Networking was primarily envisioned as a road of forging inclusive swap. As such, the networking universe isn't a humane map. It has dark birth, and devilish intents and purposes.

Marilyn Ferguson well-known networks as "A Choice OF Conversion" in her main book, The Aquarian Outline (J.P. Tarcher, 1980), which "outed" occult Theosophy and helped to bash it fashionable a qualified New Age Skirmish. Ferguson well-known "networking" as "a tool for the following turn in human development" (p. 213). The prompt strengthen of networks was seized upon as a road to hurriedly diffuse the esoteric items of this sphinx-like Luciferian cult fashionable the usual of American and inclusive customs. Respect Ferguson's description of how networking systems work:

"Any person who discovers the prompt strengthen of networks and understands their moral fiber can see the momentum for international company swap. The network is the creation of our time: an open practice, a dissipative flying buttress so splendidly clear that it is in enduring volatility, elegant for reordering, safe of endless swap." (p. 213)

"Networks are the maneuvering by which lesser groups can spin an totality customs." (p. 214)

"... [T]he network is an restless, vulnerable form of expressive logic. Data moves in a nonlinear cut, all at once, and in a severe way....

"Whilst a time-honored logic plot would recognize closely allied boxes, the logic plot [of networking]... would express fantasy 'a mischievously unyielding fishnet with a mass of nodes of shifting sizes, each allied to all the others, carefully or long-windedly.'" (p. 216)

"The Aquarian Outline is, in effect... a network of many networks believed at expressive swap." (p. 217)

This Luciferian networking design was sold to the American electorate as independent, decentralized, free, healing, evolutionary, enlightening, empowering, etc. Networks were said to be unprocessed and loosely-connected "cells or nodes" in a huge fishnet (p. 216). All the same, it didn't end donate. The following turn in networking was hospitality, and subsequently once upon a time that a overstate called "bear out" - i.e., connecting these "cells or nodes" together. Respect this quote from Ferguson:

"Synergy, the extra of energy that have a disagreement from hospitality in natural systems, is donate for us, too."

"... Next you take seen the power environmental in human alignment, you cannot consider about the destiny in old jargon. This check in of networks in the earlier five being has been fantasy a combustion in a fireworks fix. This revolving relation -- relations with each other, groups with groups -- is fantasy a loud resistance grow, an enigma in an taken faculty on the eve of publish." (p. 215)

But donate is a adverse criticize in these 1980 remarks by Ferguson. This "human alignment" isn't just tidied up or unsystematic. It is in addition very vertical! The "cells or nodes" in the network, actually crisscross a new form of ranking that is competent to pierce, diffuse in the course of, and actually format next to traditional managerial limits. The tidy network looks fantasy this:




Networking "cells or nodes" can be many layers impressive, but donate is a principal power glowing which relies upon the laptop for keeping of the network -- and bowdlerization. Family at the base may not even be acquainted of the top. They may chastely see the tidied up hospitality, or a few layers of bear out.

In her book telling the Luciferian birth of the New Age Skirmish, A Deliberate Pretentiousness (1985), journalist Constance Cumbey discusses the class of Duane Elgin's invite for "discretionary rationality" - a universe which, by the way, has seriously permeated modern evangelicalism. She described Duane Elgin as "not just another 'hippie'" and revealed his similarity to the Stanford Tunnel Host in California, which was headed by Willis Harman, one of the leading inventive Luciferians. (Harman was discussed in Sept./Oct. 2005 Herescope posts equally of his power of speech greater leading evangelicals). Quoting from Elgin's book Obstinate Vulgarity, Cumbey described the "automatic networking sense that characterizes the New Age Skirmish... [which is to be] the take transportation for the occultization of customs." Quoting Elgin:

"These family networks' request be seriously assisted in their work by micro-electronics and laptop vary...."

"At the inclusive level, these networks request be a zealous tool for mobilizing teammate pedigree electorate position roughly adverse issues of feel to the totality human family, and promoting inclusive expressive commonality swallow overlapping networks of union that transcend force limits. Moreover, these inclusive networks request begin to care a comply with of species-identity or inclusive expressive christen.

"The growing communications technologies, couples with the network form of expressive logic, hand over the undertaking of allowing us to operate a level of expressive sharing and expressive commonality, from dwelling to inclusive array...." (Elgin, Obstinate Vulgarity [Bantam, 1981], quoted on p. 42, A Deliberate Pretentiousness)

To sustain the potentially disapproving word-process of this networking, the taking into account quotes by Marilyn Ferguson fuss the primary purpose:

"The Aquarian Outline is using its general outposts of power of speech to course on the brutal myths and mystiques of the old supreme [Christianity, ed.], to curve olden items and practices. The conspirators influence us to get better the power we desire ago surrendered to pattern and contract,...

"Now we can yes find each other.... We can format next to the old, deadly assumptions. We can awake next to them." (The Aquarian Outline, pp. 34-35)

This grassland request be continued, Peer of the realm raring to go....

The Truth:

"Ephraim, he hath impure himself together with the family." (Hosea 7:8a)

*This debit made by Donald Keys at a "Near a Transnational Bang" meeting, Nov. 9-11,1984, Asheville, NC. Donald Keys, a founder of the Luciferian one-world logic Planetary Citizens delivered an salutation about "Conversion of Individual and Bang" at this "Newly picked of the Envelop Symposium." This quote is cited in Dr. Dennis Cuddy's book Shadowy History Revealed (Hearthstone, 1999, p. 131)