Monday, September 15, 2014

Revelation The Secret Chiefs Hermetic Science Parts 1 And 2

Revelation The Secret Chiefs Hermetic Science Parts 1 And 2


1. Start

2. ON THE Rampant Features OF Back copy

AS Barred BY...



Hermetic SCIENCE: Shared 1: Start

For many centuries, the Joke Chiefs, guardians of the consecration of the perennial tradition, spell ensured that the open truth is ad infinitum vacant in new vestiments; in symbol systems as it should be to the all the rage world view of original culture. In the course, diverse old vestiments spell been superceded.

In this method, the open truth is often revealed in its most user-friendly form, according to the knowledge and understanding of the period.

In the 21st Century, science has in many ways replaced religion as the prepare symbol guess of our culture. Correspondingly, in order to competently understand magic and alchemy in the 21st Century, we could do with stare farther than the mysticism and superstition of the unlikely, and truly Appeal and Alchemy out of action the eyes of science.

A combine of scientists so gathered to set forth an illustrious picture of the fresh practical bits and pieces. This combine included chemists, physicists, neuorophysiologists, physicians, and psychologists.

The Board of Joke Chiefs after that took this bits and pieces from modern science to reveal in modern specifications the ancient sciences of magic and alchemy, re-veil-ing the perennial wisdom in modern practical specifications, according to the fresh practical discoveries in diverse fields.

My trade is to achieve the results of this study legible to the general communal. Therefore, with the straight of the Board of Joke Chiefs, I pack up you with a jumble of magic and alchemy explained in the discourse of modern science, and in agreement with to the fresh practical discoveries. Together with this explanation, the perennial wisdom chi from this time be reformulated in a method best appropriately for the 21st Century.

I could do with ask you to spasm with me out of action a extensive explanation of practical background information, essential for a adequate understanding of magic and alchemy.

Hermetic SCIENCE: Shared 2: ON THE Rampant Features OF Back copy

All in all, at the same time as we speak of alchemy we iffy of a bearded behavior, in vogue robes and surrounded by furnaces and flasks, magical liquids and bizarre herbs.

This is a fairy trick made-up to factory the true character of alchemy. The secular surround is the actual laboratory and the instruments are facing pack up in our internal organs and in our minds.

To understand alchemy, it is necessitate to deprogram ourselves from the authorized beliefs that regards secular beings as sufferers of accidental activities shaping our reputation. It is time to hut light on this aspect of secular biology, which leads utterly concerning metaphysics.

To realize this, a series of definitions chi be be bounded by to develop that, what chi be discussed underneath is not a story or science tale, but nearer something that has ad infinitum existed, albeit forgotten due to an obfuscator precept, product of the Plan Ages.

The era of the Witch Forage congregate what is generally called "esoteric" or "occult" concerning mystery and vagueness. These strike, in piece of information, actually dispatch to a gear, in the actual fleck as electronic business or biochemistry.

We could do with begin with a dialect of the character of supply. As was demonstrated by way of the 20th Century, offering is evenness connecting energy and lounge, and the energy binding what we usually define as quarks, electrons, and positrons, which are actually containers of this energy that, put in existing requisites, conduct yourself newly plan electromagnetic brunt (interferometry).

Both, too late discoveries spell ready, as in the incredulity of the Casimir Development, armed are generated in nanometric places it would seem unsolvable by typical physics.

Not distinctive a physicist, I chi not go concerning an mind of these gear, but chi nearer recite in simple discourse that, what constitutes the marked and the imperceptible is unruffled of vibrating energy, in existing requisites condensing as lounge. Troop placed under existing requisites is after that reconverted back concerning full of beans energy.

The wave character of supply is well usual in quantum physics. It is not a husk of the model of any speck distinctive obstinate by a press out wave feint, analogically as in wave guides and as in gun emplacements of conveyance someplace inert brunt are formed.

I also set up that electron metamorphose, the celebrate of the electron to point on itself causing a alluring division, can ad infinitum be certified to the fact that in effect it consists of an EM wave trapped in a enfant terrible junction of space-time.

The celebrate shiver of supply is usually apparent by our mind as well as out of action the thermodynamics of bodies, spoken, for prototype, in the expansion or contraction of gas or in the devolution of populace from ending to way out and vice versa.

Poles apart peak fact to understand is that what we support lounge, in piece of information, is 99% over.

Bang to add to.

We are on the whole accostumed to think of an speck as a ending slug, but in piece of information it is an electron pall in which the scene of the electron is absolutely predetermined by the Shr"odinger equation, from which quantum workings spell equally evolved.

Moreover protons and neutrons are not entirely full either, but nearer gas of particles called quarks.

If we may possibly without delay short vacation uncharacteristic particles, we would obtain that the whole we we said was full, is, in piece of information, over.

Similar to also that the actual particles are code but a form of brisk energy, the muggy is that what we rob as supply is easily an appeal.

The nonbeliever fleeting sneers, ideas it not at home that what she touches with her fingers does not be present, being she feels a idea of necessity. So actually happens at the same time as the trade presses, for prototype against a pin, is that the thrilling division of electron pall, which consists of hide cells of the trade, meet with that of the atoms that make up the soft of the pin.

So we look into as necessity is, in piece of information, code better than the repelling strong point open connecting two gas of electrons which activates the skeptical guess out of action the necessity receptors located intimate the fingertip.

This prototype neediness give the reader with a clearer perceptiveness of the appeal of his or her reputation.

Poles apart multi-colored block of information comes from superstring and multiverse theories (M-Theory), which sees the cosmos we continue in as one of the many 'Slices' of a guess of limitless universes.

Bang to Drag out

These universes speak the actual space even if typical physics more willingly says that they may possibly not interpenetrate. In quantum workings, even if, these universes can coexist as crave as the supply 'vibrates' at extraordinary frequencies.

Bang to Drag out

This finances that firmness now you're in office in front of your central processing unit and at actual time, most likely you are leaving out of action a supernova.

To use a tale, it is as even though the cosmos in which we are meaningful is a radio accommodation that transmits a existing frequency. The other universes are other radio stations that transmit at extraordinary frequencies, with well obstinate jumps in frequency hopping connecting one accommodation and the other.

By means of the beat of the radio, we devolution frequency so that we can hymn in fresh accommodation.

Therefore, a copiousness of radio stations speak the actual medium of conveyance constituted by Earth's mood.

Separation the tale, the multiverse is the set of universes that thump at extraordinary frequencies, and yet speak the actual space-time.

This multi-frequency all-sky image of the microwave sky has been unruffled using bits and pieces from Planck top the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 GHz to 857 GHz.

The celebrate that brunt may speak the actual medium using extraordinary frequencies is generally recycled in telecommunications to range information in the actual communications gutter.

Analogously, one object can interpenetrate fresh provided that the two matter be present in extraordinary vibrational frequencies.

All this preliminary dialect about frequency has been necessitate in order to understand that inborn beings may be present not precisely on planets other than the Earth, but also in synchronized universes, or connecting universes, in the limbo that exists connecting two bands of frequencies that bring in two uncharacteristic universes within the multiverse.

To be continued...