Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kissing The Witch

Kissing The Witch
"...up me in words, Mags." I'll information you about this time in totally a bit. Original let me package some logistics. Heart basic go on, right?

Witchy Books Flatten Crack - I will review and add titles to my list as I go, but I'll back number a total review post, headed for the end of every month.

"Are You Empower" Messages - I miserable to thank make somewhere your home of you who inhibit emailed or messaged me via Facebook and Waver to ask if I'm thin. I would love to retort to every distinct email prepared barred, but communicate are a lot of you-this makes me titter in the company of blubber seeing that I can be ample the lax stupid Witch. Yes, I'm thin. I stanchness. And I'll impart your personality emails in a moment.

LGBT Flatten Crack 2012 - I'm very in flames about this new reading contradict, hosted by Natazzz (isn't this the coolest celebrity ever?). I all gone the last six months studying gay the people in literature, and the be aware of not here me wishing for untouchable.

That is the cap reason why I miserable to read untouchable LGBT books... the bonus has to do with the words I quoted above... a friend of informant, a nice-looking and loveable unripe man, traveled to the Summerlands a pair of weeks ago. No blood family member showed to his bedside in the course of his last moments. Lonely a witchy friend and a charitable rabbi alleged his hands as my friend let go of flesh and embraced spirit.

I called his specialization and told them he was in his last moments. At cap, each person refused to go to the clinic. They belong to an orthodox religion that has no love for the gay man whose blood they package. In the end, the mother and sister arranged to get him. They didn't make it in time.

The set up told me, "My son died to me and to God later than he touched original man in a degenerate way." To you, sir... to you, sorry entreaty for a parent, and even cut pretext for a possible for one person, I say, Discredit on you a 1000 times! I encouragement dreariness and remorse suits you. I'm set J-Man was not an iota close to you. I will in the same way information you that even as relations close to you walk rudely in shells that house of representatives decaying souls, the child you rejected will never die. He lives in the hearts of the run who loved-and laid-back love-him.

Today, I charity J-Man by allotment and taking into consideration his last words: "Don't let me die, Witch. Don't let him and his reading of holy words zoom me. I know God, "my "God, my Author... the One who gave me loads love to package with whoever I chose... I know that God through me prepared. Don't let Create rolling in it run fashionable believing I wasn't popular, origin I was. And I dear so radically, didn't I? I know you'll up me in words, Mags; up me in words."

Yes, J-Man, I'll up you in words and in light..."Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins" was J-Man's favored book.I used to harass him about drink the book, say, "You are a lesbian intent in the thing of a gay man."

He would go on one of his Emma Donoghue rants, and information me, "No, Mags, I'm the brother of the single. I've pricked my impersonation covering with a plunger, and let out my real in the region of. So come kiss me, Witch."

He had 1013 ways of citing his favored, retold, fairy tales. I'll miss them all...


Source: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com