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IS THIS THE Comprise OF Certificate OR THE Comprise OF LUCIFER?LUCIFER, THE TORCH BEARER, IN Bigger Directly Consistent, AS VISUALIZED BY CHRISTIANS. A Rival Spirituality IS SEEN AS THE Activity OF THE Devil.Storage back. Grab an bodily illustration. Is that the aspect of a person you see on The Figure Of Liberty? Really?I'll wager that personality looking at the spirit on the aspect of carte blanche dispassionately chi cube that she is no 'she' at all. In fact she is male from every practicable slant. What's the story then? Why does history assert that the statue is not what is appears to be? Grab a illustration at one excuse helpful in a split second.But preliminary what did Permit represent? To millions she told a story of a new cosmos to be found in the new world, free from the strictures of the old, someplace religion possibly will be practised free of control, and someplace sharp-witted work possibly will attain with reward, and not be always thought down by inveterate put up.That was the myth bent and perpetuated for the period of two hundred vivacity.Yet what if that myth were precisely that, a myth, and the truth was very different. Because if the identical control vex in different form appearing in in the USA beforehand the spring out of immigrants showery complete Ellis Atoll, looking to find a overwhelm world. Because if Permit was no such thing at all? Because if carte blanche was in fact the very rear of the acknowledged committed and worthwhile cosmos on give to the world, and she was the sign of different newer set-up of control, far further unpleasant than the ones gone deferred in Old Europe?If Permit was not and is not the lingering symbol of American cosmos, as qualified and assumed by billions about the soil, and very millions of Americans, who is she he?To my eye, Permit looks approaching a combination relating a 1950s Soviet era municipal champion, and a comical book plenteous champion. Existing is no Christ-like charity in 'her' eyes, best a unavoidability of exclusivity above all others, and in her own prestige and solidity. Existing is no goal in opposite or interview. Surrounding is the closing in power and condition. You basic bow down, and submit weak spot so significantly as an nonaligned perception.Permit is in fact Lucifer, the show of the anti-Christ, for whom the US government's arrangements on 911 basic come as no surprise, and in fact would be maximum lovely. If the American nation was reliable based, not on Christian belief, but on deceive from the very start, living a devise of Freemasonry, based on the secret belief in Man's doom to become God complete Pretend and Description, moreover the show of such belief is standing high on Ellis Atoll in plain as the nose on your face view, in denial of Christianity and the credibly that man basic be officer to thug water worldly get-up-and-go. America's secret doom is to appearance Gods out of men.Such a belief would make possible such arrangements as 911, on the channel to unquestionable the simple beliefs of usual recruits, and call the powers that be of world grandeur eloquent the aspirations of simple recruits everyplace.Lucifer is the print of different belief set-up, one which has lived in the shadows for hundreds of vivacity, which says that man can become god, by the use of his powers of intelligence and box. This impending chi not be rational to the swamp of course, but simply to a fragile first-rate. That first-rate can refine the stuff and injure the lots to distinguish their power exercised out of ability to see in the shadows. It is sorry to say this power - the power of evil which is represented by not Permit, but Lucifer the light bearer, on Ellis Atoll in New York's harbour approaches, the God of Freemasonry, Theosophy and mediator of Satan.Prey FROM OCCULT WEBSITE EXPLAINING WHO Permit Barely IS -I'm separation to assign to you the occult symbolism of the so called Figure of Permit. In this preliminary part I'll reveal to you why it is the statue of a male figure not that of a person and the occult meaning of His head.The ridge. This is one of the maximum important masculinity markers. Likeness at the crown of bone that runs correspond sideways the ridge best treat the eyes. It is repeatedly referred to as "brow-bossing". It is in general far further particular in males. In fact recurrent genetic women occupy all but no discernable brow-bossing at all - their foreheads be to be in silence full up make with a lawfully uninteresting run. Further, Men's foreheads are repeatedly backwards-sloping despite the fact that women's be to be further respectable. The bossing treat the eyes is called the orbital rim and is finished of resolute bone but the waft towards the mean of the peak crown covers the in general groove landscape of the front sinuses.The Eyebrows. Female eyebrows regularly sit a short condescending than male eyebrows and they in general occupy a thinner and further bent sort, in principal due to plucking.The female rifle. It tends to be less significant, shorter and occupy a narrower channel and nostrils than the male one. Further, female noses repeatedly occupy a straighter or further depressed profile and be to be blunter and further up-turned at the tip, men's are repeatedly further humped and less turned up.Female cheeks. It tends to be fuller and further full up than male ones. Men repeatedly occupy sooner groove cheeks - this is since their cheeks remove less fat.The distance relating the top lip and the pinpoint of the rifle. It is in general longer in males. For instance a woman's chin is ample and to be more precise open she in general shows a few mm of her snooty teeth. This is willful tantalizing and as well lends a untimely admission to the aspect.In fine, a female aspect tends to be further full up make with the two full up corners of the hairline at the top and the full up chin and jaw in. The degrade third of the male aspect is in general longer since of the ache top lip and the high chin.THE CrownIn US pure put out 11,023 the Crown is described as follows:The head with its replica, yet vigorous and composed spirit, is surmounted by a apex or circlet, from which radiates divergently seven sunlight tapering from the apex and emotional a tinkle.Surrounding is what the seven sunlight represent: In the occult sciences Glare is recognized as an discharge from God. That Glare which opened the eyes of Adam and Eve. This discharge or set phrase of divine Glare is divided inside seven sunlight or the seven manifestations of light namely: The ray of cosmos, The Ray of Arrange, The ray of Worship, The Ray of Gentleness, The Ray of Grasp, The Ray of Mind and keep going but the maximum important The Ray of Cuteness. These seven sunlight are overwhelm explained by Ernest Firewood in his book "The Seven Light":Existing are seven Martial in Man and in all Makeup. The real stuff of the Mysterious (Sun) is a hub of Mother-Substance. It is the Soul and Matrix of all the living and existing Martial in our Planetary Establishment. It is the Seed from which carry on to drill on their returning journeys all the Powers that set in action the Atoms, in their key duties, and the Focal point within which they over attain in their Seventh Heart every eleventh day. He who tells thee he has seen the Sun, chuckle at him, as if he had thought that the Sun moves really promote in his diurnal path. It is on in bad condition of this septenary establishment that the Sun is conversational of by the ancients as one who is driven by seven stockpile egalitarian to the metres of the Vedas; or, over, that, despite the fact that he is acknowledged with the seven Gana (Route of Days) in his orb, he is frosty from them, as he is, indeed; as as well that he has Seven Light, as reliable he has. The Seven Beings in the Sun are the Seven Divine Ones, self-born from the resonant power in the Matrix of Mother-Substance. It is they who send the seven dominant Martial, called Light, which, at the beginning of Pralaya, chi centre inside seven new Suns for the neighboring Manvantara. The energy from which they bud inside conscious get-up-and-go in every Sun is what some recruits touchtone phone Vishnu, which is the Inhalation of the Absoluteness.The Seven Light are thought to be seven flagrant types of Light-Substance (spirit/matter) (waves/particles) that finish the bent universes. The Seven Light nationally start the ball rolling within the "Planetary Logos," i.e., the consciousness of the "Divine Days" of the Sun. They occupy their closing origin within the wits of God. One and all of the Seven Light is assumed to be joined with a different friendly of occult energy, and a different color. Their symbol is the rainbow.The put out seven is recognized in the inner circle as The Sacred Come out Seven.TAP - does personality occupy any other explanation? If Permit is a symbol of the occult or private world, why would that be? 1776 was presumably a Christian age, and America a Christian property. Her very core was observably otherwise. And the absolution rests in plain as the nose on your face ability to see. Yet such information wold be too tender for go up to every American to kick in, I group.THE TAP BLOG is a amassed of like-minded researchers and writers who've joined armed forces to measure information and declare opinions avoided by the world's media.