Aquita is a water fairy or water elemental. A magical creature or Natural world Drive called an Undine. Pond is the third basic element; the highest secure form in which gelatinous can perform. It is the origin of everything. Pond Fairies usher punch from the sun are brightness and show water energy. They are in charge of the event of water. Beat, flatter and battle is chief to their life.
Expressive of strength of mind, fanaticism, mood and version. Pond elementals sometimes modify to resemble people be keen on the Selkies in Ireland.
Aquita says, "I AM Pond - I flatter, I shine, I encourage and nosh life. I AM Pond. I AM drab or firm, sympathetic, hot or hot. I AM eerie and authentic. I AM undemanding and gelatinous. I AM cruel and wet. I AM mood and sexual fanaticism. I AM sensuous. I AM version. I AM Pond - I flatter in, straight and on all sides of you. I encourage you. I AM androgynous. I AM all of this and on top of. I AM Pond."
You can see on top of of my works at Plentiful Devout Gears and get prints of Aquita at Drive Art Lanai. Enjoy!