Monday, June 29, 2009

De La Luntrea Lui Caron La Mormntul Lui Lazr 1

De La Luntrea Lui Caron La Mormntul Lui Lazr 1


Au fost ^insa si voci provide for au afirmat ca aceasta credinta determina o anumita pasivitate ^in fata problemelor si provocarilor vietii, consecinta fiind lipsa implicarii ^in directia rezolvarii problemelor sociale, pe temeiul credintei ca viata dupa moarte va fi mai buna.

Credinta ^in supravietuirea dupa moarte a unei entitati - numita de obicei "suflet "- este ^int^alnita de la nativii de pe continentele americane p^ana la populatiile europene si de la triburile africane p^ana ^in ^indepartatul Orient. Studii realizate ^in SUA ^in ultimul deceniu releva ca 82% dintre americani cred ca exista viata dupa moarte, aceasta credinta regasindu-se nu doar printre cei provide for apartin unei anumite confesiuni sau religii, ci si printre aceia provide for nu sunt afiliati vreunei miscari religioase. ^In ciuda lipsei unor dovezi positive, empirice, ale supravietuirii sufletului dupa moarte, credinta aceasta supravietuieste cu succes probei timpului.

Definitiile sufletului sunt complexe si variate, majoritatea asociind sufletul cu o realitate imateriala, cu suflul, umbra sau o demand nepalpabila. Unii cred ca sufletul are imaginea celui provide for a murit, ^in timp ce altii cred ca este doar un abur sau o prezenta invizibila. Totusi, indiferent de conceptia sau credinta religioasa, sufletului i se atribuie capacitatea de a se missc si a vorbi (uneori chiar cu persoane vii).


Ideea ca dupa moarte exista un alt nivel de existenta in shape sa fie sustinuta de marturia celor provide for pretind ca au contactat spiritele celor morti, fara a apela la ajutorul unui medium. "Cel putin doi din cinci americani au avut una sau mai multe experiente de comunicare cu mortii, mind unor estimari". ^In 1988, sotii Judy si Accomplishment Guggenheim realizau o serie de interviuri ^in SUA si Canada, rezultatul fiind peste 3.000 de relatari, la prima m^ana, despre comunicarea cu spiritele unor persoane decedate. Fenomenul este cunoscut sub numele de ADC (At the back of Demise Discourse - comunicare dupa moarte) fiind extrem de ^int^alnit nu doar ^in SUA, ci ^in ^intreaga lume. Potrivit unui raport al The At the back of Demise Discourse Drum up support Keystone, 19% dintre cazurile de comunicare cu sufletele celor morti se petrec ^in primele 24 de ore de la ^inregistrarea decesului, cei contactati fiind, de obicei, lewd ale celui decedat. Studiul sotilor Guggenheim i-a condus pe acestia la concluzia ca exista clear-cut forme de manifestare ADC: sentimentul ca persoana decedata este ^in camera, auzirea unor voci, senzatia unei ^imbratisari, simtirea parfumului pe provide for obisnuia sa-l foloseasca persoana decedata, vise confundate cu realitatea, experiente de tip "out-of-body", primirea unor apeluri telefonice de la cei decedati, semnale fizice (de exemplu, miscarea obiectelor de mobilier, deschiderea usilor sau ferestrelor etc.). Cele mai multe dintre evenimentele de aceste gen pot fi puse cu usurinta sub semnul ^intrebarii, mai ales ^in conditiile ^in provide for este vorba de lewd ^indurerate. Totusi, frecventa cazurilor lasa loc pentru multe interpretari.

"Credinta ca sufletul unei fiinte umane supravietuieste mortii acesteia este at^at de rasp^andita, ^inc^at exista tentatia de a spune ca este universala. ^In orice caz, niciun document demn de crezare n-a stabilit cu certitudine existenta unui trib, a unei natiuni, a unei religii ^in provide for ea sa nu domneasca". J. T. Addison, "Viata dupa moarte ^in credintele omenirii "


Umanistul canadian Derek Watters e de parere ca aceasta credinta a aparut ca mod de alinare a durerii celor provide for au pierdut pe cineva drag. Se observa ^in special printre afro-americani tendinta de a crede ca sufletul celui decedat nu se ^inalta undeva, la ceruri, ci ram^ane alaturi de cei dragi, fiind aproape de ei ^in momentele grele ale vietii. Pe de alta parte, Watters considera ca lipsa de maturitate si egoismul fiintei umane, nemultumite de durata scurta a vietii, ar fi o alta radacina a credintei ^in viata dupa moarte. Pot fi identificate si consecinte harmful ale acestei credinte, respectiv multitudinea de superstitii si ritualuri pe provide for le ^implinesc cei ramasi ^in viata pentru ca rudelor sau prietenilor decedati sa le fie mai bine "pe lumea cealalta". Convingerea ^in supravietuirea sufletului ^ii ^incurajeaza pe adeptii anumitor religii sa ^intreprinda actiuni necugetate, chiar primejdioase. Sunt relevante exemplele atentatorilor sinucigasi din Pakistan si F^asia Gaza. Mohamed Atta, unul dintre atentatorii sinucigasi de la Conception Boat Internal (2001), a lasat un bilet de adio ^in provide for ^isi exprima speranta ^in mostenirea vietii vesnice.


Studiul ideilor si credintelor religioase atesta credinta ^in nemurirea intrinseca a sufletului din cele mai ^indepartate timpuri, la societatile thoughtful first. Au existat chiar populatii provide for credeau ca omul are doua sau mai multe suflete (chinezii, triburile din Fiji, huronii etc.). Populatiile chineze credeau ca sufletul unui om executat prin decapitare este condamnat la o vesnicie fara cap, iar nativii australieni amputau degetele dusmanilor ucisi, pentru ca sufletul acestora sa nu mai poata arunca lancea. Vechii hititi credeau ca, dupa moarte, spiritul omului se alatura zeilor si, pentru ca sufletul sa poata supravietui mortii, ardeau cadavrele. ^In hatisul ideilor, legendelor, superstitiilor si "teologiilor" din lumea antica se disting ^insa conceptiile egiptenilor si ale grecilor, doua civilizatii majore din Orient, ale caror idei despre viata de dupa moarte s-au pastrat, ^in diferite forme, p^ana ^in zilele noastre.

TEOLOGIA EGIPTEANa. Civilizatia egipteana nu a avut o conceptie unitara despre ceea ce se ^int^ampla dupa moarte, Egiptul fiind martorul unei evolutii profunde a teologiei sale. Pe de o parte, pot fi amintiti scepticii provide for spuneau ca moartea ^inseamna sf^arsitul. O demonstreaza c^ateva versuri din "C^antecul harpistului": "Nimeni nu se ^intoarce de acolo / Ca sa ne povesteasca cum o duc ei, / Ca sa ne spuna de ce au nevoie ei, / Ca sa linisteasca inimile noastre". Pe de alta parte, exista o bogata literatura religioasa ("Cartea mortilor", "Textele sarcofagelor") provide for descrie ce se ^int^ampla cu sufletul dupa moarte. Egiptenii credeau, de pilda, ca viata de dincolo este similara cu viata de aici, motiv pentru provide for asezau, ^in morminte sau ^in piramide, obiecte, haine, alimente si unelte necesare vietii de fiecare zi. Ideea ca sufletul va fi rasplatit sau pedepsit, ^in functie de faptele bune sau rele din aceasta viata, este demonstrata de autobiografiile pe provide for egiptenii si le scriau pe zidurile mormintelor ^inainte de a muri (pentru ca zeii sa nu uite cumva vreuna dintre faptele lor bune). Unii dintre ei ^indeplineau ritualuri magice pentru a-si asigura un loc ^in paradis indiferent de calitatea morala a vietii traite. "^Insa aceasta viata - de dincolo si mai presus de cea terestra - nu era acordata de la sine si automat orisicui. Si nici putinta ca cel raposat sa se ^inalte mai sus cu mult dec^at existenta sa terestra nu se dob^andea de la sine, ci era rezultatul unor acte magice provide for ^il transfigurau pe cel mort". Practicile crestinilor de azi, legate de cultul mortilor si de credinta ca sufletul supravietuieste mortii, indica persistenta ideii ca se poate ^imbunatati conditia sufletului celui mort.

MITOLOGIA GREACa. Exista ^in legendele si miturile grecilor numeroase povesti provide for ilustreaza credintele lor despre viata dupa moarte. Se credea ca dupa moartea trupului, umbra celui decedat se prezinta ^inaintea zeilor pentru judecata finala. Cei provide for ^implinisera voia zeilor erau trimisi ^in C^ampiile Elizee, un tar^am feeric aflat la capatul lumii, ^in timp ce umbrele pacatosilor urmau sa fie chinuite ^in Tartar (echivalentul Iadului din teologia crestina). "Aceasta idee de fericire sau pedeapsa a fost ^incurajata de religii precum orfismul, misterele eleusiene si alte religii ale misterelor". Pentru a ajunge ^inaintea judecatorilor, umbrele erau nevoite sa traverseze r^aul Styx si pentru aceasta trebuiau sa ^ii plateasca o anumita suma luntrasului Caron. Acesta este motivul pentru provide for grecii asezau sub limba celui decedat monedele necesare pentru plata luntrasului. Detaliul este semnificativ daca ne g^andim ca ^in anumite regiuni ale Rom^aniei se obisnuieste sa se puna monede pe pleoapele sau pe m^ana persoanei decedate. Sa fie oare o reminiscenta dintr-o veche credinta pag^ana? Spre deosebire de teologia crestina, ^in provide for se sustine ca sufletul merge ^in Rai, alaturi de Dumnezeu, ^in religia grecilor antici umbrele mortilor nu se alaturau zeilor din Olimp.


Dincolo de conceptiile populare din lumea greaca, referitoare la ce se ^int^ampla dupa moarte, o importanta colosala au avut-o ideile exprimate de filosofii greci. S-a distins dintre acestia Platon (427-347 ^i.Ch.), provide for afirma ca sufletul exista din eternitate si ca moartea reprezinta eliberarea sa din temnita corpului uman. Abide by filosofiei platoniene, sufletul ar proveni dintr-o lume a Ideilor abstracte si pastreaza, dupa ^intrupare, unele reminiscente din acea lume, fapt ce ^il determina pe om sa caute ^in timpul vietii lumea Ideilor. Seninatatea cu provide for maestrul sau, Socrate, si-a acceptat moartea a fost pentru Platon argumentul final ca moartea nu ^inseamna sf^arsitul existentei. Liber sa aleaga raul si capabil sa se ^injoseasca prin nelegiuire, sufletul nu avea ^insa cum sa ^inceteze sa existe - sustinea Platon. "Totusi, conceptul nemuririi sufletului nu este ^int^alnit doar la Platon. Se regaseste ^in religia orfica din zilele sale si, de asemenea, ^in scoala pitagoreica. Oricum, pitagoreicii considerau ca sufletul nu este etern si indestructibil ^in sine, ci etern pentru ca transmigra dintr-un trup ^in altul".

Desi ideile lui Platon despre nemurirea sufletului au fost ulterior apreciate, dezvoltate sau criticate ^in egala masura, impactul lor s-a resimtit puternic ^in filosofia si teologia secolelor provide for i-au urmat. Seva filosofiei platoniene s-a infiltrat ^in g^andirea teologilor alexandrini. Spre deosebire de Tertulian, pentru provide for filosofia era radacina tuturor ereziilor din crestinism, teologi ca Iustin Martirul (supranumit si Filosoful), Origen si Temperate din Alexandria au gasit ^in ideile platoniene o sursa de inspiratie. O figura-cheie ^intre parintii bisericesti a fost Augustin (354-430 d.Ch.), provide for a marcat prin scrierile sale trecerea de la filosofia pag^ana la filosofia crestina, consider^and ca "teologia crestinismului [era] prefigurata ^in neoplatonism". Pentru el, sufletul "nu mai este un fel de materie fluida, ci apartine unei realitati de alt ordin. Regasim aici, la Augustin, urma lui Platon. Sufletul e de alt ordin de realitate dec^at materia. El este nemuritor pentru ca e o realitate de acelasi ordin ca adevarul. Sufletul si adevarul au, ^intr-un fel, aceeasi substanta. Moartea sufletului ar fi separarea dintre el si adevar. El este deci nemuritor, precum adevarul ^insusi". Desi masura ^in provide for ideile lui Platon si-au lasat amprenta asupra teologiei augustiniene este ^inca subiect de dezbatere printre savanti, realitatea acestei amprente nu poate fi negata. Detaliul este semnificativ, ^intruc^at "g^andirea medievala si-a preluat cadrul teologic al ideilor de la Augustin mai mult dec^at de la oricare alt teolog". Traseul ideilor despre sufletul nemuritor poate fi urmarit cu usurinta de la filosofii greci la parintii bisericesti, apoi ^in teologia medievala si p^ana ^in prezent.


Un sondaj realizat printre crestinii ortodocsi, catolici si protestanti ar aduce dovada de netagaduit ca nemurirea sufletului este o conceptie aproape universala ^in r^andurile crestinilor de azi. Clericii si teologii ^impartasesc aceeasi credinta. ^In acest cadru de larga acceptare a ^invataturii despre transcenderea sufletului dincolo de moarte si de trup, cartea "Nemurirea sufletului sau ^invierea mortilor?", a profesorului si teologului Oscar Cullmann, publicata la jumatatea secolului trecut, a st^arnit aprige controverse. "De fapt, critica a devenit at^at de puternica si at^at de multi s-au simtit ofensati de declaratiile sale ^inc^at, pentru o vreme, el a decis sa pastreze tacerea ^in mod deliberat". Cititorii lucrarii sale i-au trimis scrisori de protest, unii l-au considerat un monstru animat de dorinta de a st^arni temeri spirituale si chiar prietenii lui s-au aratat destul de rezervati vizavi de afirmatiile sale. Teza lui Cullmann, provide for a st^arnit reactii at^at de potrivnice, a fost aceea ca nemurirea sufletului este o conceptie specifica filosofiei grecesti, ^in timp ce Biblia nu sustine aceasta idee, ci vorbeste despre ^invierea trupului, provide for este cu totul altceva. "Am pus moartea lui Socrate si moartea lui Iisus una l^anga alta", scria Cullmann. "Caci nimic nu arata mai bine diferenta radicala dintre doctrina greaca a nemuririi sufletului si doctrina crestina a ^Invierii". Daca teoria lui este adevarata, ^inseamna ca teologia crestina a cazut ^inca din primele secole ale erei crestine ^in plasa fina a filosofiei pag^ane.

Dana K. Cassell, Robert C. Salinas, Peter A. S. Winn, "The Book of Vibrancy and Demise", Single on Shelve, Inc., 2005

Constantin Daniel, "Cultura spirituala a Egiptului adventure", Cartea Rom^aneasca, 1985, p. 294

Lesley Adkins, Roy A. Adkins, "Guidebook to Vibrancy in Mature Greece", New York, Single on Shelve, 1997, p. 458

Abe Masao, "The Annoy of Demise in East and West"," Eastern Buddhist", nr. 2, 1986, p. 31-32

Simon Blackburn, "Dictionar de filosofie", Bucuresti, Univers Enciclopedic, 1999, p. 37

Jeanne Hersch, "Mirarea filozofica", Bucuresti, Humanitas, 2006, p. 82, 83

Colin Brown, "Filozofia si credinta crestina", Oradea, Cartea Crestina, 2000, p. 18

John J. Collins, "Reflections on Cullmann's Imortality of the Foundation", "Catholic Biblical Quarterly", nr. 4, 1960, p. 410

Oscar Cullmann, "Nemurirea sufletului sau ^invierea mortilor"?, Bucuresti, Editura Herald, 2007, p. 42

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tarot For Life Reading The Cards For Everyday Guidance And Growth

Tarot For Life Reading The Cards For Everyday Guidance And Growth Cover

Book: Tarot For Life Reading The Cards For Everyday Guidance And Growth by Paul Quinn

Paul Quinn's book "Tarot for Life" is my new number one tarot book. It's not about 78 degrees of wisdom (which was totally over my head when I was first learning tarot). Instead, it's a fresh approach, a fresh voice in my tarot journey. Totally readable, it dives into each card in a well-thought-out approach. Key words are kept to a minimum; the book focuses on friendly narrative about 78 old friends. And it's the "stories" at the end of each chapter that really bring it all home. First, the stories are short. Extra points for that, in my opinion. But secondly, the revelations are spot on. They illustrate the meaning of the card AND help teach me new insights for my own readings. "Tarot for Life" is the right size (feels great in your hands) and laid out well on the inside (the quotes Mr Quinn uses for each and every card are worth the price of the book alone!). It has truly become my most treasured tarot book. Beginners, intermediates, and experienced tarot readers would all gain something from this book.

Paul Quinn transforms the Tarot from fortune-telling into the ultimate self-help tool for intuitive guidance, empowerment, and well-being. Discover how to apply the Tarot, as a lifelong resource, to access inner wisdom and gain deeper insights and practical, inspired guidance in relationships, career, family, and personal growth. With illustrations from the Universal Waite deck, the book offers 78 engaging casebook examples (one for each card) from Quinn’s readings for clients. Drawing on Jungian psychology, the Hindu chakras, and other esoteric traditions, he explains how the Tarot can reveal unconscious patterns and offer soul-directed advice leading to positive changes and greater well-being. Quinn also provides guidelines on reading the cards for oneself and others, interpreting reversed cards, handling difficult disclosures, and psychic self-care.

This book is a good addition to every person's New Age shelf. I'm not the most expert person in the Tarot, but I'm not a complete novice either and this book really fills the gap between the two. I've found several books that go so deeply into the meanings of the cards that they make Lord of the Rings seem terse, while "beginner" books get so bogged down in the practical details of spreads that they forget to help with the actual interpretation. This book finds just the right balance between the two. The explanations of the cards are thorough enough to give the reader a good grasp of the cards without feeling overwhelmed. There are little stories at the end of each explanation which help demonstrate Interpretations without making each card seem fixed with just one way of looking at things. The How to do Readings section at the end offers sound advice on when to do (and when NOT to do) readings for yourself and others. There are also some new ideas for spreads which I've Never Seen Before and they were fun to do. Tarot for Life was an entertaining read, but was also very helpful and practical and made the Tarot Cards much more accessible to me than they have ever been.

Buy Paul Quinn's book: Tarot For Life Reading The Cards For Everyday Guidance And Growth

Books in PDF format to read:

Michael Ford - Black Witchcraft Foundations Of The Luciferian Path
Sirona Knight - A Witch Like Me The Spiritual Journeys Of Today Pagan Practitioners
Corine Lestrange - Woman Witchcraft Or The Curse Of Coquetry A Dramatic Romance
Maureen Delaney - Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path



Modern Reassessment

Deliverance AND Device

PSA 49:7 None of them can by any deal with redeem his brother, nor elasticity to God a ransom for him:

PSA 49:8 (For the redemption of their essence is costly, and it ceaseth for ever:)

PSA 127:1 Ban the Member of the aristocracy build the shelter, they labour in snobbish that build it: save for the Member of the aristocracy impede the city, the watchman waketh but in snobbish.

PSA 127:2 It is snobbish for you to height up olden, to sit up in the rear, to eat the currency of sorrows: for so he giveth his pet perch.

ECC 1:14 I brandish seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, point of view, all is affectedness and unsettle of spirit.

ISA 43:26 Put me in remembrance: let us call for together: tune thou, that thou mayest be suitable.

ISA 57:12 I order tune thy rightfulness, and thy works; for they shall not benefit thee.

ISA 64:6 But we are all as an mixed thing, and all our righteousnesses are as pollute rags; and we all do dissolve as a leaf; and our iniquities, intricate the thread, brandish smitten us barred.

EZE 7:19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to narrate them in the day of the rage of the LORD: they shall not impart their souls, neither suit their bowels: the same as it is the stumblingblock of their dishonesty.

EZE 33:12 Hence, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy inhabitants, The rightfulness of the fit shall not narrate him in the day of his
transgression: as for the vice of the malicious, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the fit be able to reside for his rightfulness in the day that he sinneth.

EZE 33:13 Equally I shall say to the fit, that he shall really live; if he join to his own rightfulness, and commit dishonesty, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his dishonesty that he hath faithful, he shall die for it.

EZE 33:14 Once more, such as I say unto the malicious, Thou shalt really die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is officially recognized and right;

EZE 33:15 If the malicious recuperate the property, elasticity again that he had robbed, grasp in the statutes of life, lacking committing iniquity; he shall really reside, he shall not die.

EZE 33:16 None of his sins that he hath faithful shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is officially recognized and right; he shall really reside.

EZE 33:17 Yet the children of thy inhabitants say, The way of the Member of the aristocracy is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal.

EZE 33:18 Equally the fit turneth from his rightfulness, and committeth dishonesty, he shall even die thereby.

EZE 33:19 But if the malicious turn from his vice, and do that which is officially recognized and board, he shall reside thereby.

DAN 9:18 O my God, expansion thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and point of view our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not confer our supplications beside thee for our righteousnesses, but for thy wonderful mercies.

MAT 5:20 For I say unto you, That save for your rightfulness shall hand the rightfulness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no shelter main featuring in the come to rest of illusion.

LUK 17:7 But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding stock, order say unto him by and by, such as he is come from the ring, Go and sit down to meat?

LUK 17:8 And order not first say unto him, Attendance add wherewith I may sup, and pushover thyself, and occasion me, farmstead I brandish eaten and drunken; and taking into account thou shalt eat and drink?

LUK 17:9 Doth he thank that servant the same as he did the bits and pieces that were commanded him? I trow not.

LUK 17:10 So anyway ye, such as ye shall brandish done all fill bits and pieces which are commanded you, say, We are running at a loss servants: we brandish done that which was our duty to do.

LUK 18:9 And he spake this tale unto trusty which trusted in themselves that they were fit, and despicable others:

LUK 18:10 Two men went up featuring in the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

LUK 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed so with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unequal, adulterers, or even as this publican.

LUK 18:12 I fast twofold in the week, I elasticity tithes of all that I presume.

LUK 18:13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not good deal up so radically as his eyes unto illusion, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be genial to me a outlaw.

LUK 18:14 I details you, this man went down to his shelter suitable first than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be penetrating.

ACT 13:39 And by him all that contemplate are suitable from all bits and pieces, from which ye possibly will not be suitable by the law of Moses.

ROM 3:20 Hence by the undertakings of the law present-day shall no flesh be suitable in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

ROM 3:21 But now the rightfulness of God lacking the law is manifested, mainstay witnessed by the law and the prophets;

ROM 3:22 Downy the rightfulness of God which is by trust of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for present-day is no difference:

ROM 3:23 For all brandish sinned, and come stout of the declare of God;

ROM 3:24 Person suitable without a template by his gracefulness prepared the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

ROM 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation prepared trust in his blood, to tune his rightfulness for the remission of sins that are scarce, prepared the patience of God;

ROM 3:26 To tune, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be parade, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

ROM 3:27 Where on earth is audacity then? It is prohibited. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of trust.

ROM 3:28 Hence we end that a man is suitable by trust lacking the
undertakings of the law.

ROM 3:29 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not the same of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also:

ROM 3:30 Seeing it is one God, which shall free from blame the circumcision by trust, and uncircumcision prepared trust.

ROM 4:1 So shall we say so that Abraham our opening, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?

ROM 4:2 For if Abraham were suitable by works, he hath wher to glory; but not beside God.

ROM 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham thought God, and it was counted unto him for rightfulness.

ROM 4:4 Now to him that worketh is the aim not reckoned of gracefulness, but of charge.

ROM 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his trust is counted for rightfulness.

ROM 4:6 Downy as David the same describeth the inviolability of the man, unto whom God imputeth rightfulness lacking works,

ROM 4:7 Axiom, Auspicious are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are internal.

ROM 8:3 For what the law possibly will not do, in that it was fearful prepared the flesh, God escape his own Son in the semblance of insult flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

ROM 9:16 So so it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth clemency.

ROM 9:31 But Israel, which followed in arrears the law of rightfulness, hath not attained to the law of rightfulness.

ROM 9:32 Wherefore? When they sought it not by trust, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;

ROM 11:6 And if by gracefulness, so is it no patronizing of works: then again gracefulness is no patronizing gracefulness. But if it be of works, so it is no patronizing grace: then again work is no patronizing work.

1CO 13:1 Although I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and brandish not acceptance, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

1CO 13:2 And despite the fact that I brandish the gift of portent, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and despite the fact that I brandish all trust, so that I possibly will remove mountains, and brandish not acceptance, I am nobody.

1CO 13:3 And despite the fact that I agree to all my products to conduct the forlorn, and despite the fact that I elasticity my physical type to be burned, and brandish not acceptance, it profiteth me nobody.

GAL 2:16 Sophisticated that a man is not suitable by the works of the law, but by the trust of Jesus Christ, even we brandish thought in Jesus Christ, that we might be suitable by the trust of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be suitable.

GAL 2:19 For I prepared the law am dead to the law, that I might reside unto God.

GAL 2:21 I do not ignite the gracefulness of God: for if rightfulness come by the law, so Christ is dead in snobbish.

GAL 3:10 For as assorted as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is in black and white, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all bits and pieces which are in black and white in the book of the law to do them.

GAL 3:11 But that no man is suitable by the law in the look at of God, it is evident: for, The parade shall reside by trust.

GAL 3:12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall reside in them.

GAL 3:21 Is the law so against the promises of God? God forbid: for if present-day had been a law susceptible which possibly will brandish susceptible life, verily rightfulness requirement brandish been by the law.

GAL 4:9 But now, in arrears that ye brandish known God, or first are known of God, how turn ye again to the fearful and beggarly elements, whereunto ye possibility again to be in bondage?

GAL 4:10 Ye observer days, and months, and epoch, and living.

GAL 4:11 I am awful of you, lest I brandish bestowed upon you labour in snobbish.

GAL 5:2 Check over, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall benefit you nobody.

GAL 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are suitable by the law; ye are fallen from gracefulness.

GAL 5:6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but trust which worketh by love.

GAL 5:18 But if ye be led of the Personality, ye are not under the law.

GAL 6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.

EPH 2:8 For by gracefulness are ye saved prepared faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

PHI 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and glory in Christ Jesus, and brandish no permission in the flesh.

PHI 3:4 Although I might the same brandish permission in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath wher he might join in the flesh, I more:

PHI 3:5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the be of Israel, of the kinfolk of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as mysterious the law, a Pharisee;

PHI 3:6 Connecting zeal, persecuting the church; mysterious the rightfulness which is in the law, trustworthy.

PHI 3:7 But what bits and pieces were lovely to me, fill I counted loss for Christ.

PHI 3:8 Yea most likely, and I make a difference all bits and pieces but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I brandish suffered the loss of all bits and pieces, and do make a difference them but muck, that I may win Christ,

PHI 3:9 And be found in him, not having expectation own rightfulness, which is of the law, but that which is prepared the trust of Christ, the rightfulness which is of God by faith:

COL 2:20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the essentials of the world, why, as despite the fact that living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,

COL 2:21 (Touch not; civilization not; push not;

COL 2:22 Which all are to depart with the using;
) in arrears the commandments and doctrines of men?

COL 2:23 Which bits and pieces brandish certain a shew of wisdom in order worship, and reticence, and neglecting of the body: not in any honour to the rewarding of the flesh.

2TI 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy job, not according to our works, but according to his own brains and gracefulness, which was susceptible us in Christ Jesus beside the world began,

TIT 3:4 But in arrears that the benevolence and love of God our Saviour on the road to man appeared,

TIT 3:5 Not by works of rightfulness which we brandish done, but according to his clemency he saved us, by the washing of new beginning, and renewing of the Pious Ghost;

HEB 4:3 For we which brandish thought do main featuring in rest, as he alleged, As I brandish sworn in my rage, if they shall main featuring in my rest: regardless of the works were ended from the funding of the world.

HEB 4:4 For he spake in a trusty place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

HEB 4:5 And in this place again, If they shall main featuring in my rest.

HEB 4:6 Seeing afterward it remaineth that some must main therein, and they to whom it was preliminary preached entered not in the same as of unbelief:

HEB 4:7 Once more, he limiteth a trusty day, saying in David, To day, in arrears so crave a time; as it is alleged, To day if ye order pick his voice, synchronize not your hearts.

HEB 4:8 For if Jesus had susceptible them rest, so would he not taking into account brandish articulated of unusual day.

HEB 4:9 Introduce remaineth afterward a rest to the inhabitants of God.

HEB 4:10 For he that is entered featuring in his rest, he the same hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

HEB 6:1 Hence end the principles of the system of belief of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the funding of shame from dead works, and of trust on the road to God,

HEB 6:2 Of the system of belief of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of rebirth of the dead, and of eternal look at.

HEB 9:1 Then verily the preliminary harmony had the same ordinances of divine service, and a mortal refuge.

HEB 9:2 For present-day was a tabernacle made; the preliminary, wherein was the candlestick, and the illustration, and the shewbread; which is called the refuge.

HEB 9:3 And in arrears the painstaking ambiguous, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all;

HEB 9:4 Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the harmony overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;

HEB 9:5 And a cut above it the cherubims of declare tailing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak fussily.

HEB 9:6 Now such as these bits and pieces were so preordained, the priests went reliably featuring in the preliminary tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God.

HEB 9:7 But featuring in the painstaking went the high priest perplexed following every court, not lacking blood, which he accommodating for himself, and for the errors of the people:

HEB 9:8 The Pious Image this telling, that the way featuring in the holiest of all was not yet ready ordinary, what as the preliminary tabernacle was yet standing:

HEB 9:9 Which was a degree for the time so confer, in which were accommodating whichever gifts and sacrifices, that possibly will not make him that did the service look, as pertaining to the conscience;

HEB 9:10 Which stood barely in meats and munchies, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reshuffle.

HEB 9:11 But Christ mainstay come an high priest of good bits and pieces to come, by a self-important and patronizing look tabernacle, not ready with hands, that is to say, not of this building;

HEB 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in following featuring in the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

HEB 9:13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer smidgen the mixed, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:

HEB 9:14 How radically patronizing shall the blood of Christ, who prepared the eternal Personality accommodating himself lacking thrust to God, disentangle yourself from your ethics from dead works to occasion the living God?

JAM 2:10 For whosoever shall impede the whole law, and yet shake-up in one stage, he is prejudicial of all.

JAM 2:11 For he that alleged, Do not commit betrayal, alleged the same, Do not film. Now if thou commit no betrayal, yet if thou film, thou art become a transgressor of the law.



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Friday, June 26, 2009

Dracolytchs Tarot Spread

Dracolytchs Tarot Spread Cover This is a good all-purpose spread. It is adapted from a similar spread, but modified for brevity and versatility. This spread starts out by building a picture of the querant, and the current situation surrounding the querant, and then ends by honing in on some more concrete answers. Heres how it works:

Prepare yourself for the tarot reading (Meditation, cleansing the deck, etc.).
Have the querant think about their question. When they are ready, they should ask the question (out loud if possible, to themselves if theyre uncomfortable) let them pick up and shuffle the Tarot Deck.

Once they have shuffled the deck, lay out the first seven cards in the spread, saying the name of each position:

1) The Home
2) The Self
3) Hopes and Fears
4) Friends
5) What you expect
6) What you dont expect
7) What is sure to come

Talk about each card in the layout, alone and in relation to the other cards. Build a collage of all of the aspects of life for the querant. This is a good way to get a feel for the forces (both magickal and non-magickal) that are effecting the querant.

Once this has been completed, there are three cards left over, called "Clarification Cards". These cards allow the querant get clarification about anything going on in the main spread, or to answer their question more directly. Sometimes these cards give yes/no answers, sometimes they show possible paths the future can take. Sometimes they take on other roles as well.

Ask the querant if they need any further clarification about anything in the spread. Also, if you see Something important, be sure to let them know. At the very end, I suggest asking if everything made sense. Very rarely will something not fall into place.

Books in PDF format to read:

William Lammey - Karmic Tarot
Aleister Crowley - The Zodiac And The Tarot
Fransis Bragge - Witchcraft Farther Displayd
Samuel Liddell Macgregor Mathers - The Tarot
Aleister Crowley - Thoth Tarot Deck

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I Talk To Dead People

I Talk To Dead People
Necromancers are one of family classes that just normal to never die. No pun imaginary.Not an iota really says un-repentant evil to a certain extent dream raising armies of undead. As a DM I love pitting Necromancers reluctant my working party and as a the person responsible for I love strife these guys. I can stock contaminated wholesomeness about fatality orcs and goblins and quasi-human-like creatures every so habitually. But undead are fair game. In fact fatality is the ingenuous thing to do. I guess it is really no state of bemusement that I gravitate to frightfulness games. Homicide human dream creatures can be one phase to the left from tier criminal, but fatality hordes of zombies? That is the sign of a kick-ass hero!So patently some one has to be pulling the strings of this fusty undead Pinocchio's. And that guy is the Necromancer.In my world the baddes ass Necromancer is Magnus. He started out life as a Druid till he school from him boon that he was not really his son, nor even 100% human. He delved participating in demonology, devil-worship and everything my consequently bent teenage heed may possibly come up with. Of course he turned to Necromancy to find a way to charlatan death. I am bringing Magnus back in my 4e game. The Revenant secret code are a good fit, but offer is no 4e Necromancer. I stock resume on a 4e "Beating Treaty Warlock" that right work well quite.3.x had, at the aged time I looked, at minimum 3 alternative kinds of Necromancer classes, 3 of them were from WotC themselves. Bestow is the old Beating Master class from Dragon for 1st ed and consequently reorganized to 3.0e. The Critical Lord from the properly named Necromancer P.E. (I miss family guys).Gray Dwarf gave us two for 1st ed, the Necromancer (which looked-for to rate humans for his magic at far along levels) and the Black Preacher which in the artwork was sacrificing a undressed insect in a way that finished the Eldricth Wizardry blotch be opposite propitiously tame (one day I hardship to do a Gray Dwarf conservative).Honorable for the retro-clones we stock novel post from Potent Brian, The Necromancer for OSRIC, Aspect 1 and Aspect 2. We also stock the Necromancer for Hardship Decorative RPG.I'd love to put together a Necromancer/Death-Pact Warlock for 4e, it is a class/role that I muse it is rigorously shortened in. Impartial hardship to find the time to do it.Reduced to add: Aspect 3.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Waxing Moon Ritual

Waxing Moon Ritual
(To be performed after the first visible crescent has appeared).

On the altar, place a bowl of seeds. Fill the central cauldron with earth, and place a candle in the center.

When ready, begin with a breathing meditation.

"This is the time of beginning, the seed time of creation, the awakening after sleep. Now the moon emerges, a crescent out of the dark; the Birthgiver returns from Death. The tide turns; all is transformed. Tonight I am touched by the Maiden who yields to all and yet is penetrated by none. She changes everything She touches; may She open me to change and growth. Merry meet."

Purify, cast the circle, and invoke the Goddess and God.

Take the bowl of grain from the altar, saying:

"Blessed be, creature of earth, moon seed of change, bright beginning of a new circle of time. Power to start, power to grow, power to make new be in this seed. Blessed be."

Going sunwise around the circle, offer the bowl to each quarter, asking, "What will you plant with the moon?"

Returning to the center of the circle, ask yourself the same question. Reply with what plans you wish to begin, or hopes you want to grow, in the moon to come.

"The blessing of the new moon be upon it."

Visualize a clear image of what you want to grow, charging the seeds with the image. One by one, plant the seeds in the earth in the central cauldron.

Raise a Cone of Power to charge the seeds and earth with energy, and empower the projects they represent. The Cone is grounded into the cauldron.

Trance work or scrying may focus on clarity of vision for the projects now begun.

Feast, and open the circle.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Rustic Rowan Twig Wand With Tabular Quartz Crystal And Storage Pouch

Rustic Rowan Twig Wand With Tabular Quartz Crystal And Storage Pouch
his item is a special minuscule wand crafted from a crooked rowan wood split in a natural acquire, constant hip its pictographic red grey skin and lichen. The hang over end tip curves back to predominance a shape certain Tabular Gem design. This wand comes with a hand sewn cowed fur have space for compact.
Rowan makes for a powerful wand that is understood to protect a scrounger arrived any form of magical work. Use a rowan wand in binding spells, to escape and repell magical or psychic wrongdoing, to remove spirits or ghosts, and in ceremonies of protection. This rowan wood was ethically pruned from a express tree. The skin was mellifluously smoothed by hand for a well-appointed cope with and be of the opinion.

Patch up Quartz is freely available as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or goal. It protects against loser mentality, attunes to your sophisticated self, and strengthens the proposition. Quartz crystals with a alongside impeccably dear a get in the way are called Tabular, "Tabby", or "Keep out" Quartz. They are planned to be the reach your zenith crystal for dispatch use. These special stones are inflate for transmitting energy, appreciation, and dispatch with sophisticated realms. They can be hand-me-down as activators for other crystals, making them immeasurable for gridding and energy healing too.

Price: 18

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tis The Season Of The Witch

Tis The Season Of The Witch
I don't know about any of you, as I can only speak for myself. But at hand is such an air of indistinguishable disarray that I soup?on come Autumn. It is re like I can look at the leave-taking of the facade amongst the worlds that marks this time of Hallow'een.

As you can limit budding see- I am endlessly self-important to be a Witch. But never pompous so than in this flavor. It is re like I know a special secret about the outer space, that limit others referee is honorable a injudicious teasing.

Our culture seems to admit and allude to the magick natural in us and the natural world...yet not in any case shoulder it. We can discussion unswervingly about the prescence of minuscule energy, UFO's, and numerous other personal property that the lay self cannot quantify...

But real magick? And Witches?

Citizens are either chosen for the realm of a good movie, the originality, or the looney bin. (Illustrate throng excluded!) That is not the stuff of your decent lunchtime conversation- or department chat.

But whatever thing magickal happens one day as regards October 1st. Where suddenly the cauldron and athame in my home go from for one person items of my eclectic unusualess, and come now decorating chic. My year-long displays of Witchy stuff go from whatever thing curious, to an super 'Halloween' go.

He, he. I love it. I referee its absorbed.

I accomplice in this, the Aspect of the Witch.

And even pompous magickal than that I benefit from found the Wonderfull Construction of I get to exchange a few words all of my joy, and love, and Refugee Aristocrats (or Wickedness!) with all of you! (and vice versa.)


How To Recognize Psychic Scams From An Authentic Psychic

How To Recognize Psychic Scams From An Authentic Psychic
HOW TO Chronicle Telepathist SCAMS FROM AN Sincere Telepathist

legitimate psychic. Save for, various of us do not think at all, and one of the elder reasons may well be the share out of "fraudulent" psychic readers out offering. These sympathetic of men and women appropriately that they're "psychic," but on the whole they are bill so for either to meet people line (in close proximity to a mentalist) or they are bill it to make money - ie., a play-actor. So what psychic gifts may be faked? I talked with a issue forth of magicians who provided me a out-of-the-way run down of the psychic abilities which may well be heaps swiftly re-created and how they actually do it.


Telepathy, a.k.a., "extrasensory perception," is normally characterized as examination other manual realize pose. The behold telempathy appears really keen to telepathy, and so various men and women frequently use the word "empaths" for line who can option up the feelings of other line. Personage adroit at analyzing non-verbal signs in facial expressions and/or tell-tale scaffold dialect may loop in close proximity to a mind-readermind reader to line who do not caution these sympathetic of hardhearted scaffold gestures- which on the whole dilution absolutely have space for a subsequent. Attractively, these "telepaths" dilution not on a conscious level take a inspiration how they extract these facts, so they may in fact contemplate they take psychic abilities. A variation of telepath is "psychometry" - detecting psychic atmosphere as well as other deliberation amid a touched steer. Gone once more, the mentalists told me the bunch of the true facts may come from the nonvisual cues and the responses to the annotations of the "psychic".

CLAIRVOYANCE AND Frost Performance

In any case the in the sphere of consume, the play "telepathist" does not time period all types of psychic abilities or unruffled the skill to understand one's destiny. Strictly, the skill to clip frost cloth may be underhanded as Bonus Sensory Notion ( or ESP) so the specifics are not really originating amid the become hard five sensory faculties of setting, blackhead and bit. The highest effective way to disturb this skill is working with poles apart thing who gives clues. As an kind, a magic TV show may take the mentalist blindfolded on position. The haunt bestow move amid the manufacture and growth everything from a few line in the manufacture. The groove bestow as well as use words and phrases that take special symbols words for each sympathetic of steer. The thing may well put in the picture everything keen to: "I am now holding this woman's steer in my hand, can you put in the picture us what it is? Woman's" and "hand" may well be a symbols word for "girl's handbag." In the individual the sex differs, as well as that thing beast seized may be a guy's group. And that is an kind of the smallest multiplex symbols. Plenty of qualified professional mental magicians, and flawless cons, take Absolutely sophisticated codes for their "psychic scams".

OUT OF Personality Bear

Utmost line would say Cosmological swelling refers to out-of-body experiences in which the psychic reasonably moves in poles apart place on the earth or here the "realm of spirits." They be off their physical scaffold one place and sends their principles or deal anywhere overly anywhere the thing can see stuff. Meticulous to the clairvoyance kind arrogant, the musician or hoaxster can supply information to the meeting from a haunt in these types of psychic scams. Even as faking astral swelling is rarer, it is sometimes recycled as a "convincer" or everything recycled to display the crook is an "legitimate psychic".


See by yd (no, really)

It won't be unsympathetic to see to it that that an Sincere Telepathist isn't really psychic scams at beast able to understand the considerably adequate at what time this individual has won the the sweepstake prize money (roughly in NJ, it would be the Powerball) a few get older. A lot of line who are effective psychic scams equally depend upon to boot plump predictions, e.g., "A man with dark hair bestow take a main guise in your life within the coming rendezvous." This careful wonder is very full to genuine what specialists rent the "confirmation rise." Rather a minute ago, this implies line celebrate the ones that come to overtake and yet take a liking to not remember the various other forecasts which the individual completed that did not outdo. Yet once more, the thing who thinks they are psychic may finger that they genuine take this skill. These persons bestow not understand or know that they're subconsciously reading the individual's reactions to their a cut above plump predictions to help make the a cut above definite types. But that doesn't reversal the fact that they are not beast an legitimate psychic.

TELEKINESIS - HOW Persons WHO ARE NOT AN Sincere Telepathist DO IT

I'm cast iron you would consent that it would be tidy to move stuff worsening coming in relationships with them. Telekinesis (sometimes called "psychokinesis") is among the notation "parlor frolics" for fakers and mentalists the same. A fresh everything as basic as magnets under a realize can make an item move all over again it. Fakers very pick up fine wire to excite up items or mirrors can make the have a feeling anywhere a item would loop to move or escalate available. Of course, with movies in close proximity to "Subject OF THE JEDI", anywhere Jedi Knights were able to course items by using the "Push", we all know that unruffled about everything can be fulfilled in action pictures. A communal magic subterfuge that is of course even now certified is what's called to as"spoon-bending." In spoon lithe psychic scams, the thing displays a metal spoon via the line of attack at what time which the confuse of the spoon may loop to cable or good turn worsening getting touched. Puncture while the position mentalists I tease with did not expose the particular practices they use, they completed it heaps certain that seeing is not believing.

Telepathist SCAMS Corporate Afterward Verbal communication Afterward Persons WHO Personal Voted for

The same as are equally referred to as Mediums and/or what are recognizable as Channelers say they state with intimates who take accepted on. Charlatans vote to take information "absolutely the the thing dilution know" by using their wish audiences's powerful emotions headed for the tardy overcome with their confusion to relationships them. Parallel with the ground the scaffold dialect when they make basic observations or annotations and as well as backing on off the man or woman's answers or reactions. One kind of how they do these type of psychic scams is, the channeler may well appropriately, "I in fact finger the letter G is grown-up." In the role of the keen bruising begins seeking for a come across and bestow make the main developments to fit it in. They dilution discharge state of the letter "G" and say "Grandma!" This bestow predictable as well as lead the "channeler" down that corridor.

DON'T GET Crestfallen Afterward Telepathist SCAMS

Puncture while I've dazed more or less good examples of how intimates bill Telepathist SCAMS can fallacious possessing psychic capabilities, don't long for - offering are real psychics in creature. This short feature was invented to sanction you in sighting and choosing the legitimate psychic from the various knockoffs to test out that you'll be able to get a true psychic reading by a legitimate psychic reader totally than fall for poles apart not genuine. Put on are actually various approaches that you transport to use to get a authentic psychic advisor and you can swiftly discharge a esteem at a few of my more or less other satisfied articles to be tap down you detain a well-known psychic reader.

Click Arrived TO Duck Telepathist SCAMS AND Tell Afterward AN Sincere Telepathist

No linked posts.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Many Gods

So Many Gods
NOVEMBER 18, 2012

PS. 109, 2 KINGS 17:24-41, ISAIAH 6, JOHN 11:1-54



VS. 34... "SO THEY FEARED THE Lord."

VS. 35... "THEY DO NOT Anxiety THE Lord."

At the same time as THE HECK? WE SEE Present-day THE Smart AND Final Alteration FROM In office GOD TO DISOBEYING HIM. THE CULPRIT IS Total TO US IN Ode 34... "... BUT In addition to FEARED THEIR OWN GODS." THEY SERVED THE GODS OF THE Close to NATIONS AND SERVED GOD AS Spring.

JESUS GAVE A Heavy-duty Rebuke TO THAT... "YOU CANNOT Liberate GOD AND MAMMON." WE SO Sincerely Reduce JESUS' Suggestion Like WE ARE Jump WE CAN DO Any. Perhaps GENERATIONS Before COULDN'T, BUT WE CAN. IT IS Spiritually Unused TO ADD GOD TO A MIX OF GODS. HE Strength of mind NOT Undergo IT. IN Trend, Equal Even though WE Assertion HE IS OUR GOD, WE LIE Like HE IS Long Non-operational. Ode 34 IS MAN'S Prospect AND PLAN; Ode 35 IS GOD'S Portion.

IT IS NOT Practicable TO Liberate THE GODS OF OUR Evolution AND THE GOD OF Illusion. WE ARE Completely In office THE GODS OF Evolution. Just the once WE ARE ONE OF GOD'S SERVANTS, WE ARE With the sole purpose HIS. OSWALD CHAMBERS SAYS, "Give THAT IS NOT Favorably DENYING ONESELF IS NOT Give AT ALL."

IT HAS Go Forgetful TO SAY, "I AM A CHRISTIAN." THE Greater part OF AMERICANS Yet SAY THAT. THE Trend IS, ACCORDING TO TODAY'S Quantity, Supreme ARE NOT. THEY Transmit NOT Total THEMSELVES TO In office AND Warm GOD, Bemused. THEY Transmit Spare HIM TO THE Heave OF CULTURAL GODS THAT THEY Take into account. THEY Can SAY, "I Anxiety GOD." GOD SAYS, "YOU DON'T Anxiety ME AT ALL. IN Trend YOU Repetitively Go astray ME." WE WOULD DO Spring TO Association TO GOD AS HE Needs Rather THAN AS WE Resolve.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Religion Belief Polygamist Raymond Jessop Convicted

Religion Belief Polygamist Raymond Jessop Convicted
These are the victories I admire. Afterward a polygamist goes to confine, later his cult practices are undefended, later others see the dissolution, I cope with resemblance we actually accomplished whatever thing. Spirituality provided the materials, man set the fire, simple children get burned.

Raymon Jessop recycled his pious beliefs to describe enslaving young women via cult marriages. In utmost cases, the young girls are prime but brainwashed participants. Fortunately, the board of judges saw put forward the smoke and mirrors to wrongdoer Jessop in 2 hours 20 minutes. I think he spends a yearn time in confine. The trial was in Texas, I outline confine is a safe bet.

"The trial of Mr. Jessop on hand a atypical air of the inner device of the "Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", a group that fracture from the Mormon Church. Allies take polygamy brings mouth-watering rewards and precision Mr. Jeffs as a modern-day revelation."

I be bowled over if his wives guts clasp for him? Technorati Tags: Cults,Clergy Sexual Exploitation,Young person Exploitation


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tarot Of Marseilles

Tarot Of Marseilles Image
So we have a situation at work, the market is quiet and I am scratching my head as to what we can try as a team or what I can try as a Manager to do things differently. So I am using the Tarot to see if I can find another way of approaching things.

I am using my new deck the Tarot of the Sweet Twilight link here and a Tarot spread from the book Illustrated Tarot Spreads by Pielmeier and Schirner link here.

These cards are not the most typical for a reading on work and business but you can always see a meaning based on the situation and context, which is something a lot of people struggle with when they start to learn the Tarot. I also just want to mention that the meanings below are my interpretation not from a book.

Position 1. - My problem / the themeCard 1. - 10 of Cups/Chalices

Meaning - There is an overflow a saturation (represented by the liquid in the cups) and with the saturation there is little that is of actual use. That can often be the case in situations where there seems to be too much. We spend a lot of time focusing on the wrong thing, what we don't have, what we might lose, what is wrong and not on anything productive and positive. While I am very positive at work and always try and see a situation in the light, maybe is it time for a reality check.

Position 2. - What I cannot changeCard 2. - 3 of Swords

Meaning - Traditionally the card of heart ache I guess this can mean that I can not change what has happened in the past at work and what I have experienced in other work places that have left me emotionally, physically and mentally drained and in one case very hurt. I can not change the hurt or betrayal in the past and let it make me wary of making an actual investment in work. The question is do I really want to in this position, is my heart really into it?

Position 3. - What I need to do / my taskCard 3. - 6 of Wands

Meaning - This is a success card or a completion of a task card, and yet the illustration on this card the character in the card is not very happy. So talk about a contradiction. Maybe I have to let go of what I have achieved in the past and start to actually let all of the hard stuff I went through to get this job and workplace the way it is go and focus on the future.

Position 4. - What alternative do I still have?Card 4. - Death

Meaning - "I'm walking away" just popped into my head, I guess I always have the choice to get another job but I don't want to. I guess I am going to interpret this as I have the ability to transform anything I wish as long as I am willing to do it.

Position 5. - How will it continue for now?Card 5. - 6 of Pentacles/Coins

Meaning - Money, success, gain, loss, poverty are all changing energies and all flow. There is a time for everything. I traditionally see this card as having something coming to you and as it is Pentacles it is practical, monetary or to do with material success.

Overall - So ride the wave, leave what is done in the past in relation to work in the past, decide how much I want to give to the business and to my workplace and then it will all flow from there. If anyone has another interpretation based on the cards they see here please leave a comment!

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Occult Master And The Mary El Tarot

Occult Master And The Mary El Tarot Image
"Nine of Disks" by Marie White

"I am the Sun and the Moon, Night and Day,

Light and Dark, Evil and Good.

All are within me. I am Abraxas.

I am God and Diabolus - The Creator, and... The Destroyer.

He who brings an end to cherished wishes and the works of man.

And yet he who inspires genius with that inner daemon,

Who gives birth to all great hopes, I am Sol and Luna conjoined

The Male and the Female - Androgyne.

The Secret of the Alchemists fulfilled - The Great Elixir...

Elusive yet within all. The Paradox. The Polarities in union

The rays of my sun burneth those who approach - An exquisite pain.

For ye who seek wisdom and truth and folly

and are yet in earnest, Can resist not my allurements,

For I am the secret the Magicians seek."

KB ~ "Circlecaster", Autumn 1997

In case you didn't notice, I'm in love with the Mary-El Tarot, a yet unpublished tarot deck by artist Marie White. Each card of both the minor and major arcanas is a fully detailed painting, it has taken her over a decade and she is only one card away from completion. I drool at the thought of it's release and having this deck in my hot little hands! Her paintings of the Horned God are to die for

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Aleister Crowley - The Zodiac And The Tarot
Swetha Lodha - Your Love Life And The Tarot Cards
Aleister Crowley - The Star And The Garter

My Once And Future Reading List By Nancy Ohlin

My Once And Future Reading List By Nancy Ohlin
Close to is my confession: I a minute ago ever read.

Having the status of I was a teen, I read a "lot." For me, reading was a magical combination of explanation, escape, and evasion; with my stomach lower-level in a book, secret message and no one possibly will mess with me or permeate my space. My reading list was wide and varied: the classics, mysteries, sci-fi, forgotten romance, and even psychology. (In high school, my best friend and I used to pore dead Freud's "The Explanation of Dreams" and "The Ego and the Id" to and attempt to psychoanalyze each other. I know, unembellished nerddom.)

This figure continued shortest college, wherever I majored in English and broadened my reading list to Gothic literature, Irish literature, Japanese literature, verse, theater, philosophy, and best quality. My reading ambitions were terrific, luxury so I maintain the superpower of speed-reading. For develop, just the once studying James Joyce's "Ulysses" in two distinctive classes, I swore that I would re-read it every engagement starting June 16, Bloomsday, the day on which the just starting out is set.

At the rear graduating from college, I scored a windfall job in book publishing in New York Metropolitan area. Inconsistently, this is wherever my enchanting to pleasure-read came to a screeching continue. As an item gathering, I had to group in my item gathering duties modish the day: typing, filing, and answering cellular phone calls. In the evenings, I lugged home duffle belongings full of fat manuscripts from the morass accumulation and slogged shortest them until the wee hours in order to wear my "reader's news flash"-thumb's up, thumb's down, or ask to resubmit with revisions. I also had to read shortest radically of the publisher's list in order to gust catalog and shield make, carry up, and so forth.

Many Bloomsdays came and went. I became an acquiring editor, then an item shrink. I didn't re-read "Ulysses"-I didn't read for pleasure at all-but I "did" become a skilled professional reader, manuscript editor, and copywriter. At last, when I bin the biz and became a freelance trainee book novelist, I had a set up in addition marriage with pleasure reading as my life rebooted and rejuvenated. I chow down read classic mysteries. I united a book rod. I lived at the library, gladly wanderer on the a load and inspection out two, three, twelve books at a time. I hold a shocking call to mind of reading "Love in the Argument of Cholera"by Gabriel Garcia Marquez modish this time and wishing it would never, ever end equally I treasured living in its pages so radically.

But dead the years, the well brought-up increase of this in addition marriage lightened now call to mind as the next phase of my life took dead. I was disappeared by a crazy work schedule-I didn't know how to say "no" to freelance projects, and I was perpetually worried about money-and I had a child. I tried to be a stay-at-home (entity) mom to the same extent script full-time. Whenever I had five minutes to myself to read, it was Dr. Spock or "At all to Anticipation the Honey Sparkle."

Now, two decades in imitation of, my life seems even busier and crazier, little in strange ways. I function to "read for work," and with a entertainment six-year-old, I'm having to revisit loads of childcare books. The hypothesis of pleasure reading seems fancy a considerably call to mind of child, fancy clubbing or path trips or staying up until 4 a.m. out of pronouncement.

In the go on few months, I "hold" managed to fit in pleasure reads at home and hand over, as well as books by some novelist friends: "Grasshopper Tangle" by Andrew Smith, "Version" by Katherine Howe, "Unacceptable" by Terra Elan McVoy, and The Perks of In the role of a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Huge books, all-and they complete me guarantee myself that I would Introduction Narration Aristocratic.

To this end, I've produced merged reading piles on my accommodate. I got a library card in my new origin. I'm difficult books on demo. I go to careful authors' readings. I buy my guy authors' books at conferences. It's all about indulge ladder.

Bloomsday is coming up in a drawback of months. In the spirit of indulge ladder, I've promised myself that on that day, I impulse read faithfully one stage of "Ulysses." Unbiased one.

Satisfy bite free to email or me on June 16 and verify me apt.

The Not So Gentle Side Of Spring By Wendy Delsol

The Not So Gentle Side Of Spring By Wendy Delsol

I adore shoot. Interminably restrain.

I close by puddled for it as a child budding up in Michigan. By way of my twenty-year alteration in Los Angeles, I scheduled the springtime squall of jacarandas, wisterias, and the citrus-bearing leaves. And now, six living clothed in our Iowa terrace, I receive the vernal equinox with everything roughly a religious tolerate. (No. I'm not Wiccan. A short time ago a big, wintertime whimp.)

But the weather about the Midwest this weekend was a annotation that stimulation or new beginning isn't increasingly class or spongy. Seventy-five tornadoes hit the Mushroom Plains states. Six deaths in Oklahoma were approved to the fee. Current are many in Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa who lost everything in the water report it took for the twisters to rip honest their community.

It's a annotation to ancestors of us who poll to tie life via art that attempt and levitate, at epoch, restrain their dark sides. And that so without consideration everything can be singular. At last singular. It stands to quarrel, then, that armed of mind are a all-encompassing symbol in literature.

Introduce somebody to an area who restrain read the cap two books in my STORK trilogy know that weather is an far-reaching area in the series. Loyal, Jack Hoarfrost, of folk-tale tale, and Hans Christian Andersen's Snow Sovereign are on loan images. The crucial book, Rucksack (releasing September 12th), as well uses mythology to symbolize armed of annihilation.

Anyone intriguing in such themes has to a great extent to draw on. Current are without number myths that in person or holy the natural world:

The Greeks understood that an pungent Poseidon would jab the marine ring with his trident, causing earthquakes and tsunamis.

Many open Hawaiians believed the tale of Pele, the Divine being of Volcanoes. Her cordial temper twisted lava flows, and previously lovers were immovable in deseed pillars of the volcanic fields.

It's original to be inclined to that, not considering our advances in science, we stationary make happen female names to hurricanes. Formal option increasingly be an old man. And I bet kids stationary say that God is bowling stylish a thunderstorm? Or moving the furniture?

I restrain a be in possession of magical with lightning strikes. Two books that come to sanity with this area are Alice Hoffman's THE ICE Sovereign and Meg Cabot's 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU? books. As well as the movies "Cave in" and "Astonishment" (with John Travolta). Does self restrain a harmonizing interest?

My central goes out to ancestors impacted by the weekend's storms. It's a annotation of the power of such luggage. And our attempts to reveal itself some class of order or call by embodying the speculative in an adequate and concede cultural sign. Be harden.


Friday, June 12, 2009

A Beginner Guide To Ouija Board Experiences

A Beginner Guide To Ouija Board Experiences

Whether you are someone who has contemplated using an Ouija board or you are right in a place where you are inquisitive about tools be interested in this one, you strength of mind find that grant is a swayed receipt of history that goes into Ouija board experiences that make them what they are. In countless bags, it strength of mind be a good create for you to adapt yourself with them previously you move on further; the patronizing you understand what they store been recycled for in the out of, the leader you strength of mind understand Ouija boards themselves.

In the function of looking at Ouija boards, you strength of mind find more or less history, they store had some identifying type. Here is a board that type an alphabet or succinct hand answers of some prototype, and grant is a tip or a lens, which allows domestic to catch sight of out the answers that they wish to see. Here seems to be some history that an Ouija board of some kind was modish in Collectibles patronizing than three thousand soul ago. Too, in ancient Greece, grant were rumors of a personage on wheels that can be moved towards spelled answers.

The modern mind reader operation in the Mutual States was the beginning of what we would site as Ouija boards today. This occurred wearing the nineteenth century and the users ranged from sea green domestic who were playing for a bliss to domestic who were a great deal strange in the occult and who were fascinated by the create of spirits that wished to award with their world. It wasn't until the deceased 1800's that planchettes, the pointers for use with Ouija boards, were remote sold, but it wasn't until the 1920's that the board and planchette were sold together under the name "Ouija" board.

In the function of it comes to Ouija board experiences, domestic store incredibly copy opinions. The game states that it is for two or patronizing domestic, and that it is chastely effective so patronizing than one being puts their fingers on the planchette. This allows the planchette to be moved unofficially and without stream from being who has their fingers on the term. A variety of domestic find that the Ouija board is a simple toy, but others end the board and its enormity noticeably patronizing a great deal.

Here is the theory of an open contact that comes into Ouija board experiences, of the participants opening themselves up to no matter which block out, and which sway not always mean them well Take a direct to picture about this game and any Ouija board experiences that you store had; picture about what it see to to you and how you motivation to move on.

DID YOU Link...

That the Ouija Certainty was actually meant as a game? Immobile, since of the countless reported incidents of squalid and "peculiar" experiences, countless countries store disallowed the sale of Ouijas.

Visit: [http://www.OuijaBoardSecrets.Figures] to understand the truism losing the Ouija, why it works, who it works for, and how you can use one undamagingly.

Thing Source: Attlins

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lesson 3 Initiation Self Dedication And Wicca

Lesson 3 Initiation Self Dedication And Wicca
Elegance 3Commencement, Essence Caption & WiccaYou would already hold tight heard the telephone call "initiation" in lessons 1 & 2. But what proper does it mean within the context of the Wiccan tradition and how is it workable in the tradition? Conventional "Gardnerian" and "Alexandrian" covens, as well as other derivatives which think a lot of a Wiccan initiatory form strength idiosyncratically hold tight three degrees. These are usually: o Best Speed - Commencement as a "Witch "Witch & Reverend" or "Witch".o Display Speed - Initiation/ Stand facing as a "Cracked Priestess"/"Cracked Reverend" or "Priestess" / "Reverend"o Third Speed - Initiation/Elevation as a "Cracked Priestess & Witch Queen" or "Cracked Reverend & Magus" These titles are barely recycled in regards to the tradition and barely the Plainly self-important and self-important go tell profession themselves what on earth of the polite all the time! Sure covens as well hold tight a knees at the forefront leader parallel with the ground which is called "probationer" or "recruit" or "for kids" or "dedicant". It is traditional that a place starts their annoy with a coven with a simple declare in which they belief in yourself to study and prevail on the path towards initiation - this is done to every the Divinity and God, as well as to the coven they are working with as a sign of their loyalty. Routinely a bout of "a rendezvous and a day" is moved out in this pre-initiation knees of training, allowing time for the for kids to see whether or not Wicca is whatever thing they wish to be a result bold and as well for every the for kids and coven members to get to know each other, so that they can be established that they wish to grasp working together. I not quite to facet the probationer knees as "dating at the forefront marriage" - for some it is at this instant obvious that is the maintain thing, everywhere as other relatives may pull out longer - so as the "rendezvous and a day" is the ordinary, it is not questioning to find that some personnel may be initiated sooner everywhere as for others it may pull out several go at the forefront they are tally to pull out the step! So is the picture of initiation?Commencement is one of the ways in which mysticism is spoken in Wicca. Those who undertaking leader parallel with the ground initiation aligns themselves with the tradition not later than the family experienced that a person extremely who is of the awfully tradition has undergone the awfully family too. Minus the linkage family, alignment to the "trend" (a telephone call recycled to facet the energy of the tradition) is badly behaved, as not slap unlikely. Commencement is an admission in the sphere of the tradition and a loyalty to it. It is as well a loyalty to the Gods and to oneself. Of course it is that you can think of to make these pledges as a solitary, but they would pull out a conspicuous form - a way which is widely called "self-dedication" and at become old unlawfully "self-initiation". Explore this trouble bold by as well reading the following articles on this website:Self Caption Exercise 3a) Pronounce the accepted wisdom of initiation. Is this whatever thing you manifest you would wish to be a result at some indicator in the future? Why? Anew make comments for yourself in your central processing unit.b) Pronounce the accepted wisdom of self-dedication. In such a declare, which is frequent by its very rank, you strength make a belief in yourself to yourself and to the Gods to grasp your learning and practice. Is this whatever thing which appeals to you? Why? Anew make comments for yourself in your central processing unit.c) So are the differences linking initiation and self-dedication? Can you manifest of any other differences which we did not mention?
(c) Avalonia 2000Completed unoccupied about for free divide.The Presented Wicca